Changing Tatum

For the better. Her fascination with the things around her keeps me very observant as I have not always been in the past. How can you be when every second of your life is taken up with something BUSY!? Her hunger is quenched with books, and it absolutely stuns me how she seems to be falling in love with Jesus without me telling her to read about Him. She just picks it up on her own.

IMG_5353 IMG_5350 IMG_5348And not just Jesus, but every book. In fact, she just cannot get enough of her WORD books, letters, and of course choo-choo and doggie books.A

l am also a different person. At any time, I can sit (on command as she says, “Mommy, sit” like I’m her little doggie.) I usually do and we play froggie bounce

IMG_2140 or we read as she points out things.

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Or we play with Coti…

IMG_5356How wonderful that she knows I’m around. She also understands if I’m busy at the moment because she trusts that I’ll be with her momentarily since I don’t have to rush off to work etc..

Her love for me is stronger too, as evidenced by how we interact. Just today, she rubbed my arm in church and just said, “Mommy,” as she looked into my eyes. I started balling of course! Also, it was only 2 months ago where Tatum was throwing things when she got frustrated (or was finished with them) This morning in church (where she used to toss her toys when she was frustrated since she had to sit) she handed me her toy and said “go boom?” That means, can I be done with this now?  Things that go down go boom…So she was asking permission. Wow.

Not a single day goes by where I don’t lift up my hands in worship  and gratitude to my Father in Heaven. He has made all of this possible, and my biggest prayer is that Tatum can know Him…truly KNOW HIM.