Worth the wait (the LONG wait) at the dentist

Oh yes, it was worth every single minute of our 1:30 appointment. Tatum’s fall on Sunday which resulted inIMG_3635

meant that I had to follow up at the dentist on Tuesday. Well, the lovely Dr. Libby who gave me the very sound advice about clicking her tooth into place was now no longer seeing patients with my insurance. This shocking news came Tuesday morning when I called for our appointment. So much for following up with her. I scrambled to find a dentist who would accept us. We finally found one way far on the west side.

Arriving at 1:30, we plopped ourselves down in the chair and looked around. It was packed to the gills with hispanics kiddos and all of the siblings. The “playroom” was nothing like the spaceship at our old dentist. It was just a wall of video games in this dark tunnel. Not appealing. So, I pulled out my handy dandy Kinder Brain Quest, and off we went to “which word starts with the letter “C”? games.

Finally after 30, we were called and entered the room. First, X-rays. Tatum was so brave with the coat that weighs more than her 27.6-lb little body.

Smile pretty and hold still! No wiggle worming at all! Great job, Tot.

Then we were led into room 4 with the “Dr. will be right in to see you.” Being right in must be a relative term. In my book, that means within like 5 minutes.

The nurse wanted Tatum to stare at the movie on the ceiling, but sheesh! That could only last so long.


So, Tot and I got creative as usual. 

We played glasses


We played dance around the room!IMG_3641

We played take pics of mommyIMG_3646Missed..but pretty close!
Videos, pacing around the chair and counting…. You name it!

OK, finally the dentist came in acting as if we had only been there for like a minute, and proceeded to show us her X-rays. IMG_3674The roots are in tact, and her loose tooth will actually seal back into place within a week or two! Just keep up the smoothies and ice cream. (Big smile). He also assured her the fingers in the mouth were ok (for a teeeeeeeeeny bit longer). He told me if she hadn’t grown out of it by age 7, then I should worry. (Seriously? 7?…more like 4!)

By 3:10, we were out of there. Part of the benefit of being on the west side, meant that we got to go to Bookman’s used books (which has zillions of used books and 10%off for kiddos!) and frozen yogurt (YUMMMMY!).

Finally we got home, and she wanted to immediately read this:


Yes, Spiderman. Not, Princess Blah Blah Blah…but good ol’ Spidey. She loves Paw Patrol and Spiderman now. My girl is ALL girl with some added coolness of superheroes and rescuing doggies!

Love you Tot! XOXO

When I Grow Up

She was asked that at school the other day, and the whole wall was covered with the various kids’ answers.

Robert wanted to be a fireman; Olivia, a princess; Seth; a dinosaur, and Tatum?


Really!? How cool!

Christmas 2015 Part 1

Santa was a busy bee Christmas Eve preparing Tot’s toys under the tree. She came down to an explosion of fun!

Amy and Ann (the twins I had as dolls) were nestled in their bunk beds (they are still babies after  forty something years, go figure)
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Then she discovered her new desk and rocking chair (thanks to Doug’s carpenter skills and IKEA’s easy to follow directions) (ha).

The cash register has very real looking money and credit card swiper. Nice practice for her to know the cost of things!! Heehee

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Then off to see the fam at Kelly’s house. “Hi Alfie!!”


While we waited for presents to get delivered to the various chairs (stockings and our one gift from our chosen person), Tot and I were being silly singing Halleluia.

Morgy and Nyla posed for a pic. Morgan’s voice made me quake in awe. *Thanks for singing girl!* WOWZA

Barbara, James mom, was having a tough morning with her hernia, so we all prayed in a circle. Powerful. James had to leave to take her to Urgent Care, but she returned with a smile. Thank you, God.

IMG_1949Tot opened her stocking gifts


IMG_1962Morgan and Tot played bounce. Well, Tot played bounce on Morgy!

We all showed off her big gifts!IMG_1978 Connie got a segway ride with Morgy and Nyla.IMG_1976

Fancy shaver for DenoIMG_1975 Kas got a photo caseIMG_1974 Kell got a Mercedes shirt..sexy girlIMG_1973 Morgy got some cool antique books and journalIMG_1967Nyla got some makeup madness!

Kelly spoiled me with ANOTHER MK purse. SHEESH!!!

Uncle Doug is adorable in his ski goggles. He amazes me that he can still ski like a 20-year old.

Mom got some Nordstrom love!

Deno and Tot. He was captured by her conversation.


And Morgan shouldn’t asked for pet llama. One is good. Two is well..more than one.

Family. This girl, Kasey..well, she amazes me, and I just adore her. I’m honored to be her cousin and to know her. IMG_1991Merry Christmas 2015.


Christmas Eve Love

And it was. Doug took Tatum and me to Christmas Eve service and really saved the day. How was she going to sit through a whole service? Credit cards. Yes, folks. She discovered my wallet and handed Doug individual cards throughout the sermon and then would retrieve each one and place them in an offering envelope. She has the right idea, but I don’t think City of Grace takes Target, Kohl’s or Library cards. Hmmmm.

Then, when we returned home, while I made dinner, again, he saved the day. He played Tatum airplane for about 30 minutes. Ironically, my mom’s back is out this week and not Doug’s. My mom just loves Doug so much that she had sympathy pains.

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Then I got a very materialistic gift. A Michael Kors purse from mom. Gosh, I’m super happy to be a grown up now with a big girl purse. Thanks Mom and Thank you Doug!!IMG_1931IMG_1932

Counting up!

How many stairs DO we have? Well, why not find out the old fashioned way? Let’s number them. It’s a fun way to learn her number and get some exercise in as well. (for me that is; someone has to put them on the steps!)IMG_1131 IMG_1133 IMG_1134 IMG_1135 IMG_1136 IMG_113717. We needed to get to 20, so we made a road to her room.