Phoenix Rising and Daddy’s coach’n!

We are pulling a mulligan on Tatum’s soccer experience. We tried the Phoenix Rising recreational league when she was 5, and she just wasn’t quite ready. The other kids were a bit bigger, and her cough was not under control.

I think God had bigger plans.

Now, as we do it the second time, Doug and I are going to coach the team. (Well, Doug is really the master here). I couldn’t have done this before as a single person, but with my honey, it makes it all the more fun and special for Tot.

Our team started to show, and we got so excited! We have a team of seven 1st grade girls. Tatum, Kaya, Trevvy, Julie, Emma, Blair, and Mabel. After a quick name game and some encouraging words about what is a TEAM, we held some drills.

Lookin’ good girls!

Tot, you are looking great too! We are going to have a great season. First game: SATURDAY!

Memorial Day 2019

We wanted to make sure we had our flag flying. When we move into our McCormick home, we’ll fly it high! But for today, we held it and talked about freedom. We also showed Tatum a powerful video documenting the over 1 million soldiers who have died in battle. Cooper joined us in our remembrances.

Then we just had a nice day playing and having fun.

Cooper slept

and then played hide and go seek.

Do you see him?

He loves to lay like a bear rug.

Oh the joy.

Thank you America for being our country. Thank you soldiers for fighting for our freedom.

Something has to work!

I’m tired of my cough and just being sick, mommy. We’ll try the Aquafor for the skin. The inhaler to clear the lungs. The oils for the diffuser at night to clear out something! The saline spray to clear the sinuses.  Did I miss anything? Oh, yes Singulair and Zyrtec. Now they recommend a facial sauna for more clearing. Yes, I’d love some clarity here. 

Frankincense helped Jesus, right?

Thieves seems to “steal” all the bugs and throw them A..WAY!

Take a whiff of this, and you’ll clean yourself out for a week.

I’ll tell you what else I’m trying: 

A LOT of Jesus.

Utah Day 2

Sledding day hooray!!
The teeny bit of snow was going to have to work for our sledding adventure.

We got all bundled up:

Are we ready!!?


Tot and Thomas headed outdoors to make a snowman.

John preceded us to help make the sledding run more smooth. What is missing in these photos??? Anyone???

Well, let’s see: I don’t notice anything odd here: Loafers, dress shirt, khaki’s. Perfect. Oh, of course. Gloves!!!??

Tatum finished up the snowman.


Looks good! Let’s add a friend.

Time to sled a bit.

Tatum was a natural! We found this out after both of us went down. She was ready to SOLO it. John smoothed it all so well, she whizzzzzzzed by!

Later, after Tatum wore us out, we headed inside and Tot played played played with Thomas. So much she felt like a Superhero!

Kaboom. She collapsed.

We all played games until I kaboomed myself.

Tatum woke up. She was ready. Ready for something.  What will it be?

Dolly loved on her with French Toast ….


Fancy jewels. Dolly knows how to make.a.girl.feel.special.

Time ticked by so quickly that it was getting time to go. Johnathan selflessly helped me set up my new computer, so I did not get enough FUN time (although being with John is always fun).

Thank you John, Thomas, and Dolly. You ALWAYS put everything aside to make us feel like kings and queens. True royalty we are in your presence.

We buckled up and headed back to Phoenix.

Until next time, my dear family in Utah. We love you beyond measure. Truly. Wonderfully. Deeply.


Good Saturday in beautiful UTAH! (Part 2)

Yesterday was wonderful!
Good morning!  How did you sleep? Tatum and I slept in till 9:30 (8:30 AZ time). Now, this could mean that we slept in or that we just slept in the morning. BZZZZZZZ. B is the answer. Apparently baby was falling out of the bed often, so therefore, it was up to me to find him every few hours.

So, we got up and enjoyed our breakfast with Tommy, Dolly and Doug. Cheerios always hit the spot.

Then she got a bit chilly and Batman could not warm her up. Well, a mommy’s work is never done and THANK GOODNESS for that!

It was time to BREAK THE ICE and play a few rounds before she stole Tommy to play.

We headed to the park, and John and I had a chance to chat. Tommy, Dolly and Tommy kept Tot busy!

It was a bit chilly and windy, so we headed home to (nap) hang out! Dolly and Tommy played with Tot and let me relax a bit! I so appreciate all of them so much!

Tatum wanted to change into cozies, so she found a small shirt (small for large people!) to put on, and she then discovered the droids. She loves droids because she is bigger than them!

It was then time to cook, and Johnathan has THOSE skills! I figured I’d help! Maybe not. My skills are not as sharp (haha)

Again, another lovely dinner, games and chats. I think I need a lot longer in UTAH!

We’ll sleep well tonight! Or will we??????? I’ll tell you one thing: It’s so wonderfully dark and quiet so I should, right?