Will it fit in my mouth?

She was conducting the ultimate test: What will fit in my mouth?

Today, Tatum was caught chewing on her fist! It started with a binky. She then graduated to her index finger; then three fingers. Now, it’s the whole darn hand!
To her chagrin, it would not fully fit. Therefore, we figured she may be starting to teethe. Enter teething beads. My mom put a bit of Tylenol drops on a bed in case she was in any pain. The result? She loved it!

But then…The fist ultimately won.

Tatum Teething To COME!

So, I know this is on its way, so I want to remember these tips from Scottsdale Mom’s Blog


5 Must-Haves for Your Teething Baby

by  on NOVEMBER 20, 2012 in BABIES

I know every child is different in terms of how they handle teething, or really, how they handle any situation, but man, teething sucks!

My little man just finally had his first tooth break through, and it took a while. I felt like I always heard friends say that one day their baby’s gums were red, and the very next morning they had a tooth fully popped through. Well that? That was definitely not our case. Bray started drooling and shoving his fist in his mouth as early as four months, then had swollen gums for a week or two, then had the slit in his gums for about a week, thenyou could finally feel the tooth. It took another full week and a half for the tooth to really be visible. So what’s that, a month? Not exactly the overnight magic like I had heard of!

Since our process was drawn out, I really have had time to learn some things to help make the pain of teething a little more easy for our sweet babe. Here are my top 5 life-savers (no sponsored stuff in here – just my mom-to-mom recs):

Baltic Amber Teething Necklace:

The Art of Cure TM - Baltic Amber Baby Teething Necklace - Honey w/"THE ART OF CURE TM" Jewelry Pouch

No, I am not a fan of my son wearing a necklace all the time…but I am a HUGE fan of what it does for him. This is not a necklace for them to chew on, which many people think is the purpose. The amber beads {get unpolished over polished} naturally release succinic acid, which helps with inflammation, controlling drooling, and helps heal the wound. It is all natural and has been around forever. For more info on that, read here. During the day I keep it around Brays neck {and he has never noticed it being there} and at night I wrap it around his ankle, which is in his footie jammies.

Sophie the Giraffe:

Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether

This is our favorite teething toy ever. He chews on all parts of it, and the squeaking entertains him…and our dogs! It’s also super is to clean, which is always nice for toys that go in the mouth.

Habba Wooden Toys and Munchkin Ice Ring:

These two teething toys are our next best options. The wooden toys is great for his gums, and the way the wood slides and clinks together, he loves banging it around! The ice ring is fabulous to cool and numb the gums, whether its taken out of the freezer or refrigerator.

Hylands Teething Tablets:

These tablets are completely natural, and completely awesome. If Bray is being extra fussy and I can tell a tooth is about to break through I pop a few of these in his mouth {they melt under his tongue} and usually within minutes he is back to his chipper self. Love them!

CVS Infant Tylenol:

When all else fails, Tylenol. We tried the Little Fevers brand first since it is dye-free, but Bray would literally spit it out. Then we tried the CVS brand, and he eats the stuff like its the best tasting thing he has ever had! We’ve only had to use this a few nights before bed time, but it sure did the trick!

Blogs to blog about

In my laid-up/leg-up position, I’ve been made me keenly aware of the world of blogging. Not only that, but I’m just hungry for  information, ideas, inspirations, ideals and interconnectedness:

So, I thought I’d make a list of some of my “found” blogs:

  • Achilles Recovery:


  • Sites discussing Christ

Tim Challies Blog: http://www.challies.com/about

Personal Finances: http://christianpf.com

Desiring God: John Piper: http://www.desiringgod.org/blog

Albert Mohler: http://www.albertmohler.com

Good Commentaries: http://www.easyenglish.info

  •  Fitness:

Serious lifting advice! http://www.leangains.com 

Overall health and fitness: http://fitbottomedgirls.com

Overall and just fun recipes too: http://www.pbfingers.com

  •  Recipes/Health

Well done and beautiful: http://101cookbooks.com

Beautiful site + a Christian with great recipes: http://www.eatliverun.com

Just like the magazine: http://www.eatingwell.com

Gluten Free and healthy: http://www.elanaspantry.com

Although I’m not Paleo, this is great: http://nomnompaleo.com

  • Mommy Blogs:

Local! http://www.scottsdalemomsblog.com/about/

Lisa Belkin/Motherlode: http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com

Parenting Mag: http://www.parenting.com

Focus on the Family: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/spiritual_growth_for_kids/ignite_your_childs_love_for_jesus.aspx

  • Just love reading these:

Cup o Jo…She is just a great read..everything: http://joannagoddard.blogspot.com

Getting Things Done! http://lifehacker.com 

Day THREE: Downton Abbey Delight

I SLEPT! The pain was not as intense in the evening, and I actually awoke quite rested. Sadly, I would not get to go to church today, but I did spend some time in the Word.

What’s the plan today!? Hmmmm….. Well, it has been recommended to me to watch Downton Abbey.  Saturday was Season One. What a guilty pleasure!! We used to countdown the minutes to Friday night for Dallas, and this reminds me of that a bit. I love seeing Elizabeth McGovern in a series! I remember her in a Kevin Bacon movie about babies (She’s Having a Baby), and since then, I’ve missed her. She plays such a perfect part with a mix of compassion, austerity, and wit. Maggie Smith is also perfect in the role of the matriarch. The beauty of her character is that you want to hate her because she is so above-it-all, and then you see she has a big heart. Season Two is now beginning with the war against Germany. I’m sure hoping Anna will be with Bates and Mary will wed Matthew. Again, a fun guilty pleasure, and I never do this!! 🙂

Oh yes, the little girl! She was part of the fun today! Her cooing and aahing and her adorableness and ….the fact that I can’t do the mundane is killing me. My mom has to carry her to change her diaper, to put her down for a nap, to put her to bed, to bring her to me to feed her. Meanwhile, I hop around to TRY to help out as much as I can. Honestly, the frustration of being so helpless gets to me. I tend to focus on the things I CANNOT do: For example: Going to the store, getting my mail, grabbing a cup of coffee, carrying my child as I walk…

Now, what CAN I DO? Let’s focus on that:

Spend more time in my Bible and with God, building a stronger bond with my mom, watching Downton Abbey with a friend/mom/family, reading a great book (like Every Great Endeavor by Tim Keller), taking silly pics with Coti

AND OF COURSE, holding Tater.




Day Two and OOOOOH!

What the heck did you do, mommy? How can I help? Coti sensed something was amiss when he saw me hopping around. Now, he comforts me as only he knows how.

Took a Vicodin at 11pm last night because the throbbing began. Not only was the incision felt throughout my body, but the nerves in my leg pulsated. Without truly falling asleep, I decided to get up and attempt to crutch my way to the kitchen and eat something. I also popped another Vicodin at 4am. Now, the pain is really starting. Thankfully, I slept until 8am, and as much as I wanted to sleep, I needed to be with Tatum. This morning, I am really experiencing the full brunt of this injury, physically. WOWZA!

Humbled. Thankful. Confused. Many different emotions flood my mind, but the most important one is my love for Tatum, my mom and Coti. Family and togetherness…These things are what matter, and I don’t think I ever have known this concept until now.

Day ONE of being a one-legged gal!

As my eyes opened this  morning at 5:50am, I was reminded of all the advice I had read the evening before on various blogs. You should absolutely believe everything you read on the internet. (*wince*) Yes. I received the full gamut of advice scattered from the blogosphere, so you can imagine when my eyes opened this morning, I was ready for EVERY……..NOTHING! It’s like getting ready for a baby to arrive!  For every piece of advice, there’s two-hundred points which refute or alter what has been given. I figured, let’s be prepared for the worst; that way, I’ll be ready, eh?

As I showered and dressed for the day ahead, fashionning my lovely BOOT and crutches, I imagined what was to come…no more hobbling around on two feet for a while, and….the woes continued. Poor me. (get over it already!). Denise rang at 6:15am, so I kissed my dear mom goodbye (Tater and Coti were still sleeping) and headed out the door in my sock. (I forgot to put my right shoe on.) We arrived 2 hours early, and they prepped me. That basically means I wait until I get my anesthesia. They did dress me in this cute purple outfit with matching Bair Paw socks.  Not bad for $2200 (*wince wince*) Dear Denise waited until I was under, and then went back home. They gave me the various warnings of what I may experience (i.e. nausea, constipation, sickness, general fussiness (ok, they didn’t say that). Dr. McDreamy came in to answer all of my questions. Although I wanted to ask him if he was doing anything after the surgery, like massage my foot (:-) ) I decided that was not an option. He assured me to make sure I move around and not lay in bed too much. If I am to lay down, my foot must be elevated. 8:45 surgery begins (supposedly).

10:30am, I see the clock and wonder….”am I alive?” Kelly, my “are you awake and do you feel your toes” nurse, was lovely and fetched me 2 cups of ice chips. Delicious! Denise came, and off we went to the pharmacy for my PAIN MEDS (if I should need them), antibiotics, and Tylenol. BUT FIRST, “Starbucks drive-thru????” Coffee was not the recommended drink for after the surgery, but supposedly my IV gave me 1 1/2 Big Gulps of water so I figured I was hydrated. I was feeling GOOD!

Home at 12:30. Coti ran to kiss me, and Tater was swinging and ready to give me a SMILE!

GETTING AROUND: Return to the SCOOTER discussion here: This is my saving grace. I decided, upon McDreamy’s recommendation, to rent a Roll-A-Bout so I could get around the house faster and hold Tatum in my Bjorn. Now, this is the secret weapon. Today, I have basically been hands free to do what I need to do like fix food, clean up, use the facilities (:-), etc….. The crutches are super for when I am out of the house or need to walk up the stairs, but this thing is BRILLIANT!!!


So, now, I am resting in my mother’s delicious cozy bed, elevated leg and pillow-propped head. Heaven. I have enjoyed feeding and playing with Tatum, snuggling with Coti, solving the crossword puzzle with mom, looking for a way to rent San Francisco for tonight’s entertainment, and of course, blogging/writing/emailing/texting/communicating!

The LEG! Plus…see my Bair Paw sock; (a parting gift from the hospital)

Overly humbled, I will make the best of this situation, as I have seen God’s hand in this. This journey will not be wasted, for I know I have much to learn, and hopefully, I can pass on some wisdom in the process.

God is good.





Gratitude, Grumbling and Grace

Today, in my Bible Reading on YouVersion, I read Exodus 15-17. Although, I have read these passages numerous times, and not to mention a whole movie was made about the parting of the Red Sea, this time it struck me: We go from gratitude to grumbling often in our lives. God then provides so much grace.

Case in point: Miriam sings: “Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea.” (21) They were all filled with such thankfulness for God’s provision of escape and the destruction of the Egyptian followers. THEN the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” (25) Moses cried to the Lord and He made the water sweet. He provides even after we complain.

It did not take long for them to FORGET God’s miracle of the Red Sea parting. Upon even providing water, He makes for them “a statute and a rule, and there he tested them, saying, If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your healer.”

It’s not rocket science…We forget WHO is our HEALER!; We forget WHO is our PROVIDER!> In fact, he provides manna for JUST THE DAY, and yet they still try to hoard and save for the following day. The manna becomes worm-infested and inedible. They had no FAITH.


What a lesson. God provides an incredible blessing in my life: TATUM! Yet, sometimes, I grumble and complain. May I remember the blessing of her presence when she cries non-stop. May I remember having FAITH in HIM when I don’t know what to do. His grace is sufficient for all that occurs.

I love you Tater Tot.