My new fish

She takes after her mommy! She HEARTS the water. Splishin and splashin, Tatum is a natural. Based on her enjoyment of the sprinkling during her bath time, I knew she was ready for swim class!
Then, mom bought her the K..E..W..test outfit, so! She is ready.

Hubbard offers little splashers class. She’s dreaming of the water……


It’s time!
She learned to float on her back and tummy (rolling over with my help). Kicking and floating, she stared at me knowing I would be there; she learned to climb on the side of the pool; elbow elbow tummy knee..up she goes! The class was filled with about 5 tots around 10 months on average. Next week: Underwater!IMG_2655

Toys are for playing?

Or eating?

Her choice toy? Her toe. Now, one can wonder how she can pull her leg up to her face and insert her toe. I would say it is the fact that she has delectable little toes and she cannot resist them. I, on the other hand, have funny-looking toes and would never insert them into any part of my body. Tatum of course would find them delightful as she does everything else. IMG_2647 IMG_2643

Her first cell phone from my mom… Who should I call mom? Jacob?


Well, maybe I’ll just show him all my toys and he can come over and play with me.

Oh….the Tot!

Rice is Nice?

On Tuesday, she began her hmmmm…love!?….of rice cereal (laughing hard right now). We attempt to force..I mean feed her and then wash it down with formula. First day? Not so hot.

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After this, it was time for some counter time. She decided to fly with her birdieIMG_2623 IMG_2627 IMG_2629

Tomorrow? Oats. Hopefully some ends up in her mouth! 🙂

Savoring Sunday

It all started in church. Mom resurrected the outfit my childhood doll, Shannon, wore! Tatum fit in this rosebud shirt, and she just looked ADORABLE!
She also lasted AGAIN through service. As Pastor Terry sermoned through “Single and Satisfied,” Tot listened attentively and realized….yes, I am pretty satisfied right here on mommy’s lap. 🙂IMG_2535

Then, we came home and laid on her play mat. As I read To Kill a Mockingbird, Tot rolled on her tummy and back…and back again. IMG_2539She tried to decipher what was I doing as she grabbed for my book; perhaps she is ready for reading? No, more like eating books first.

Finally, we headed over to a car dealership to check out used cars. Bonking my head on my Civic’s ceiling is killin me. Tater is just getting too big, and my car is getting too small. Although she barely wanted to drink a drop of her bottle all day, she definitely enjoyed playing!


The Tot’s strength did not wane. In her Bumbo, once again, she managed to reach BEHIND her head and grab the largest utensil from the bucket. My little Tot is a mighty warrior with a whisk! The pink ball has lost its charm. Process: First look. Then, look at me. Then….Taste.
Delicious! And her tongue gets a mini workout as well.

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Not ordinary; she’s going to be a square peg like me! :-)

She looks for the way around the rule, but still keeps it. Case in point….. When she was a WEEEE tot, she loved her binky. Then, she graduated to her fingers. However, in church yesterday, I resurrected the binky from her bag. She put it in her mouth since that is what she does with everything lately. BUT, she did not put it in her mouth the way it was intended to be used. Instead, she decided to try all the sides, then chose to chew the other end.

Tatum is no ordinary gal, and I sure love that about her! 🙂IMG_2512




6 Months and Size 2 by Tatum

Today, I am 6 months OLD! Can you believe I have come this far. I barely fit into my BUMBO! My legs are really filling out. It’s a good thing I have my little birdy blanket to keep me comfortable.

Did you know I have graduated to Size 2 diapers now? Well, mom had to go out and buy some  new ones ASAP. You see, I’m erupting…literally exploding out of my Size Onesies. It’s no fun waking up the household at 1am because I’ve completely leaked all over my blankies.


So, in the meantime, as I wait for my new diapers, I’ll enjoy an appetizer of fore and middle fingers. I sure wonder what else I could put in my mouth?






Birthdays mean something different now

Every year for the past ten years, I would dread birthdays. This year, I didn’t feel like I was an expired tomato! Somehow, God has restored my youth by blessing me beyond comprehension. Mothering Tatum Isabella Knight has allowed me to be young again. How? Well, as I approached my 40’s, The dream of being a mother was fading away quickly. Never had I dreamed that I would be granted the gift of a child, let alone a beautiful little girl.

She had a phenomenal day as well! This was the first time she made it through the whole church service, and she also rode around in my pouch during mom’s showing of her house. What a blessing!

Here’s a rundown of the day via pictures!

Good Morning MOMMY!
A quick rest before church
I love riding around in her pouch! Hanging out at mom’s house






Can I have a hug first?
Wow! What a day. These fingers sure taste good.

Today, I am not only one year older, I’m renewed in character, motivation and inspiration.

This week, Tatum’s hearing will be taking place. She will be completely my daughter by law. It truly is a beautiful time.