A million pounds I feel upon my shoulders daily. However, on the flip side, I love all that I do!
Performing my responsibilities is part of the joy of being a wife, mother, and worker. Something about accomplishment is in my DNA.
But with this compromised health situation, all I feel is guilt for not doing enough or at least doing it well.
I’m haunted by….WHAT are my my root issues… (with my health)
When Tot was born 2012, I had barely been to doctors. Now, yes, I have been dealing with gut issues for a few years past, but not to the point of non-functioning. I used to be able to swim a mile 2x/week, workout daily, walk a ton, and experience life! (including travel). Oh, I’ll include writing often, drawing, and SERVING /ministry.
Now, somedays, I wake up and wonder HOW WILL I EVEN get through my day?
I just wish I had a diagnosis so I could focus on the CURE to getting better. Feel like I’m just throwing darts seeing what moves the needle. The Dupixent has helped my gut.
I wake up DAILY NOT rested. My legs are so weak and my fatigue is beyond functioning.
My wonders:
- I have EOE (eosinophils were 845 on my last blood test (vs 15 which is high/normal)). Dupixent is working. I am regurgitating only like 2-3 times a day vs like 30. Nausea is way down but not gone.
- My Autoimmune markers are positive. Further testing is being done to rule out any type of specific autoimmune. Seeing a Rheumatologist to guide me
- Also T3 is low. (Multivitamin?: SELENIUM)
- My RBC is low showing potential anemia.(MULTIVITAMIN and the HBOT?))
- My heart numbers are quite high…(Cholesterol, ApoB) (Trying Coq10 + Red Yeast Rice)
- Saffron for sleep?
- Peptides?
- Did the HBOT help? Shall I try infrared?
I want to be ALL IN with Tatum’s homeschooling. It’s my dream and passion. I want to have dates with my husband. I want to see my family more (mom, Connie, Kas…) I’d like to have an occasional coffee with a friend. (or walk). I MISS my CHURCH and serving.
Are these selfish thoughts? These wants line up with scripture? They line up with having a full life.
All is this is part of my story. I TRUST he has a plan for me.
In the meantime, I SHOW UP forTatum every day for school. We will get through this. I pray for answers and cures to come SOON. Please Jesus…just tell me what is next for me?