His child

Holding Tatum in my arms today during the singing at church, I couldn’t help but weep. The Spirit of God overcame me as my body filled with goose bumps and my eyes flooded with tears. Tatum heard me sing out to the Lord and as I did, I held her closer. She is my gift…my precious present that I lift up to HIM daily.


She got it this morning, as she actually comforted me as I held her. She could sense His Spirit moving me. As my dear friend Dick said, children really do sense God; Jesus even tells us to have that childlike faith. I sense she has that even at 21 months. How does she know to be silent every night as we pray before bed? So many little clues of her precious faith; the kind Jesus wants us all to have.

The rest of the service reminded me of how blessed I feel to know the women of City of Grace. Elizabeth is one of them, and it is no coincidence that she used to work with my mom. We have playdates with her adorable little 2-year old, and we both think they’d be a tremendous couple in 30 years when I allow her to start dating. Good thing I have her husband picked out, so she won’t even need to date! 🙂

When we arrived home, the doggie couldn’t wait to throw the ball and play.


Then as we went upstairs, I realized I needed to go back down and talk to my mom. As I did this, Tatum took it upon herself to go into her room, grab three books off her shelf and go into my room and read. Again…”coincidentally” she picked the ONLY three bible books she has. Weird. Just crazy amazing.

 Tomorrow is Labor Day, and I shall celebrate this LABOR OF LOVE that God has bestowed upon me.

An answer to prayer 21 months later

A community

A bible study.

All answered in one day.

Thank you, MOTC. (Mom’s of the City).

This amazing group of women (all mommies) meet twice a month on Tuesday mornings. They provide child care, food, fellowship, and so much encouragement. Now that I get to be home with Tatum, this provides something ALL MOMS need. When working, you just have no time for anything like this. If you did attend a group, it takes away from “quality time” and that cannot happen when you need every minute together.

Then, to my utter surprise, on the alternate Tuesdays, there is a women’s bible study WITH child care as well.

I get fed.

The ladies in the child care center were in awe of Tatum; they said she was like no other child. She is AWARE and so mature. I just know I’m blessed beyond belief to have her and ….

now to have a community to encourage and be encouraged by.

Thank you, Father!!

Band-aids aid

Who would have thought that a bunch of band-aids could aid in keeping Tatum entertained and occupied during Pastor Terry’s sermon today?


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As she carefully placed each one into my empty coffee cup, she shook them out and watched them fly. Then, it was pick-up band-aids one by one back in the cup. After that, I needed another idea, so I tore up the sticker pad into mini-confetti pieces and placed it in a plastic soap container.

IMG_5242This became another pouring activity. Anything Tatum can pour or place, she is gleeful.

Pastor Terry spoke about stewardship today, and how everything… I mean EVERYTHING we have been given is a gift and should be shared to the glory of God. This puts a whole new perspective on our “things.” Also, I can completely give my daughter over to Him, trusting that He is in control. I pour my heart and soul into her as a devotion to Him. This way, when it feels like work, I can be reminded she is a gift I hold dear and preciously take care.

At the end, we even committed to a promise that:
“Today I choose to embrace my position as manager over everything God has entrusted to my care; I will trust. I will obey. I will obey. I will steward all of the resources of my life to the glory of God.”

Simple. (but not easy)

But, with Tatum and the Holy Spirit present in my heart, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Those band-aids kept her happy, and they also aided in helping her mommy hear the message loud and clear.

Can a 20 month old be that powerful?

When it comes to overtaking my heart, Yes. When it comes to overtaking my heart as it breaks while she tests me, Yes. When it comes to overtaking my heart as it breaks as she CONTINUES to test me and I have to enforce tough discipline, Yes.

Why is it so hard? Because, my sweet compliant child all of a sudden transforms into an unrecognizable little _____. Then, I am faced with what do I do right now?  Impulsively, I want to do something un-pretty and (maybe a bit) painful to her. My transformation becomes immediate as well. No longer am I the sweet silly mommy, but now, I turn into “THE ENFORCER.” The hard part is seeing her enjoy being a ____. This occurred after 4 timeouts upon not doing what I asked her to do and then throwing what I asked her not to throw. Eventually, she did what I asked and she, upon prompting, said she was sorry, and I gave her the biggest hug and kiss. Back to fun mommy. Over.

This scenario gave me ANOTHER reason why I’m so happy I’m with her more. It allows me to balance the fun with the necessary molding and shaping.

For example, this morning she had a blast taking babies for a ride in her shopping cart.



Then we went to church and PetSmart. She wanted to get Coti a toy, so she picked the PiggieIMG_1969 IMG_1970 IMG_1971 IMG_1972

Very happy little guy after that, although the squeaker broke after about 30 squeaks, 15 minutes later. No wonder it was in the clearance box.

Whatever prompted the “occurrence de la testing” is unknown. She will continue to try to press her power buttons and find mine, but we will come through. With Jesus help! Amen.


Daily, I praise His NAME

Thank you, dearest Jocelyn. She encouraged me to read this everyday as I stay home with Tatum. I bolded what resonates with my soul.

 Psalm 145:

I will extol you, my God and King,

and bless your name forever and ever.

2  Every day I will bless you

and praise your name forever and ever.

3 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,

and his greatness is unsearchable.

4 One generation shall commend your works to another,

and shall declare your mighty acts.

5  On the glorious splendor of your majesty,

and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.

6  They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,

and I will declare your greatness. 

7  They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness

and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.

8  The Lord is gracious and merciful,

slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

9  The Lord is good to all,

and his mercy is over all that he has made.

10 All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord,

and all your saints shall bless you!

11  They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom

and tell of your power,

12  to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds,

and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.

13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,

and your dominion endures throughout all generations.

[The Lord is faithful in all his words

and kind in all his works.]

14  The Lord upholds all who are falling

and raises up all who are bowed down.

15  The eyes of all look to you,

and you give them their food in due season.

16  You open your hand;

you satisfy the desire of every living thing.

17  The Lord is righteous in all his ways

and kind in all his works.

18  The Lord is near to all who call on him,

to all who call on him in truth.

19  He fulfills the desire of those who fear him;

he also hears their cry and saves them.

20  The Lord preserves all who love him,

but all the wicked he will destroy.

21  My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord,

and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever.

How do we worship thee? Let me count four ways

1. By Standing ON TRUTH (with cute shoes of course). Here is the TRUTH: There is no greater Love than that of Jesus. God loves us that much, and sometimes, for reasons I just don’t understand, He plants things in our lives, good and bad, which are to refine us for the better.


2. By being our true selves, making the most of each moment, silliness and all. God created us all different, thank goodness. We all have a side that is child-like, that we suppress, and so what happens? We forget that laughing is good medicine. And sometimes being silly is just good for the soul. We can worship Him by being unafraid to let it all out and rejoice in the day.


3. Singing! Raising our hands to Him shows our reverence and our adoration for His presence in our lives. Sometimes, also, we just want to feel Him. 


I know that my need for personal touch and Love from Him overwhelms me; I need to express my AWE of Him.


…. and I just need to hold on to His rock of stability.

4. By Loving others and showing it always. I worship Him by being mindful that my needs are secondary to loving others more than myself. His Spirit gives me the ability to be completely selfless (and only Him because I sure cannot do it solely!) and take care of others, whether it be smiling at a stranger, helping a student after school, or just being an ear.

For now….. I just am taking my days one at a time, loving Tatum with all my heart, asking God to help me be the best mommy ever, and trying to serve others with a smile. IMG_4955




What is it about balls?

My friend Jocelyn and I used to sneak into her brother David’s room and listen to an AC/DC song which pronounced, “I’ve got big balls…” This now has become the theme of my life with now Coti and  Tatum. She has now graduated to her own big blue ball (from a mini rubber one), and it is driving Coti batty.

At Fry’s today, I decided to buy her a ball since I thought it would be fun to play with it in the park. We walked by an enormous bin of multi-colored BIG soft plastic balls, and Tatum yelped, “BALL! BALL! BALL!” My master plan was to purchase one, so she chose the blue one. Sadly, she had to learn the concept of ‘to wait til we get home to play with the large blue ball.’

Success! UNTIL…………..
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Coti saw this ball.


He could not grip this one, and so this challenge became his obsession. This BIG BLUE BALL became the bone of contention (no pun intended), so the lesson in whose ball is whose was the lesson upstairs. Eventually, Tatum gave up and grabbed her old mini rubber ball brought it to me, and proceeded to bring me more baseballs from mom’s collection. Not good. I’ve created ball monsters.

What is it about BALLS???