Ten Daily Reminders

Adapted from Matt Reagan

Out of sight; out of mind. The person who came up with this truism, understands the power of faith. What can be the challenging part is how to continue in faith when the feelings subside. Reminders can prompt our faith and can be the engine in our step when we just can’t feel our way out of a desperation. Somewhere between the time I put my head down on the pillow and the time my eyes become half moons, Ihave forgotten some realities which can easily be taken for granted in my daily life.

God told Joshua to erect 12 stones as reminders to what He has done. God gave us rainbows to remind us that He shall never flood the earth again; a promise. We need tangible items to keep us walking straight and believing in the unseen. So, I hang these up as to remember.

I have “borrowed” these ten from Mr. Reagan, but I have added commentary under each one as an application for myself.

1)    God exists. (Exodus 3:14; John 8:58)

It may not feel like it sometimes. I tend to focus on my list for the day; my tasks. The last thing I ponder is the ultimate existence of an infinite, loving, in-control God. But He is the one who is completely in charge. I submit to His will for the day and for my list.

2) God loves you. (Romans 5:8; John 16:27; Jeremiah 32:40–41)

Seriously? Me? When I know I’m loved and adored by my Creator, this changes how I talk to myself and how I treat others. I don’t’ need to perform perfectly and I don’t need to be accepted by everyone. He loves me, and sometimes that has to be IT.

3) Jesus died for you, and the Father has now bound himself to give you only good things. (Romans 8:28; Romans 8:32)

Jesus died on a cross. This is the truth. But, how he died and why he died is what is important. He died to pay for all of our sins….mine too. He died to give me another helper, The Holy Spirit. He died and suffered so I won’t have to. He died so I can have acceptance from God NOT through my efforts. Furthermore, the cross signifies that even the most difficult of trials will come to me as blessing, for my ultimate good, no matter how I feel.

4) God sees you as perfect. (Hebrews 10:14; 2 Corinthians 5:21)

But I’m not. I’m filled with anxiety, sometimes pity, and egocentricity. Nothing I do will change how God sees me. Jesus gave His life so His righteousness (and perfection) could be imputed to me (or put into my bank account)  again, regardless as to how I feel. I’m a work in progress and God loves me with my bumps and bruises.

5) That is because of Jesus’s perfection, not yours. You deserve hell. (Romans 3:10; 1 Timothy 1:15)  Key: I’m not perfect so my flesh cannot take claim for some of the things I do well. It’s on loan from God (as Rush would say.)  Next, I must have gratitude and live that way. I deserve what I deserve. Without Jesus sacrifice, I’d be condemned. nothing I can do will change that. Thank you, Father for saving me.

6) You will die. (James 4:14, Hebrews 9:27) So I cannot fear death. It is inevitable. Make each day count, because one cannot know when his/her day is the last.

7) You will live forever in the new heavens and new earth. (Romans 8:18, Hebrews 10:34) But, I don’t fear death because of the promise of the life to come. Live like it’s real because Heaven is.

8) For now, you are an exile on the earth. (Hebrews 11:13–16) I know I’m different. I know not all will accept me. My convictions for my faith make me different. However, my identity is in me being a daughter of the King..not as a citizen of this earth. I will never feel like I fit in, and that is OK.

9) Nothing on earth is truly worth putting your hope in. (Jeremiah 2:13; Galatians 6:14) Which is why I don’t put my hope in the earthly things because they will disappoint always.

10) You have no right to be unhappy. (Philippians 4:4; 1 Peter 1:8–9) Sure, I can be sad for whatever reason, but I must focus on what is lovely, good, positive. My attitude is just that. It’s not a truth.

Reading these everyday will keep me grounded. I will be down and sad at times, but if I focus on these truths, nothing will keep me down.

“Great hearts can only be made by great troubles.”

Can we be happy in our troubles? “Great hearts can only be made by great troubles.” (Spurgeon) The other morning, my devotion spoke volumes. Spurgeon tackles the topic of suffering by reminding us that as suffering increases, so does His love and grace for us.

2 Corinthians 1:5: “For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.”

Spurgeon: “There is a blessed proportion. The Ruler of Providence bears a pair of scales–in this side he puts his people’s trials, and in that he puts their consolations. When the scale of trial is nearly empty, you will always find the scale of consolation in nearly the same condition; and when the scale of trials is full, you will find the scale of consolation just as heavy. When the black clouds gather most, the light is the more brightly revealed to us. When the night lowers and the tempest is coming on, the Heavenly Captain is always closest to his crew. It is a blessed thing, that when we are most cast down, then it is that we are most lifted up by the consolations of the Spirit. One reason is, because trials make more room for consolation. Great hearts can only be made by great troubles. The spade of trouble digs the reservoir of comfort deeper, and makes more room for consolation. God comes into our heart–he finds it full–he begins to break our comforts and to make it empty; then there is more room for grace. The humbler a man lies, the more comfort he will always have, because he will be more fitted to receive it. Another reason why we are often most happy in our troubles, is this–then we have the closest dealings with God. When the barn is full, man can live without God: when the purse is bursting with gold, we try to do without so much prayer. But once take our gourds away, and we want our God; once cleanse the idols out of the house, then we are compelled to honour Jehovah. “Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord.” There is no cry so good as that which comes from the bottom of the mountains; no prayer half so hearty as that which comes up from the depths of the soul, through deep trials and afflictions. Hence they bring us to God, and we are happier; for nearness to God is happiness. Come, troubled believer, fret not over your heavy troubles, for they are the heralds of weighty mercies.”

When I am weak (lately), I have found that my strength cannot come from me. I have to use a crutch, and I have no problem leaning and hopping along with God. When I am empty, He can fill me. However, when I have no need, who can I turn to? I’m justfinethankyouverymuch. No, fine is what I don’t want to be. I want to be filled with Him.

This injury has allowed me the ability and the fragility I have needed to say, “Come in Dear Father and comfort me; fill me with your presence and strength.”

March 22, 2013. A special day

It is the last day of school before SPRING BREAK! Not only is it Tater Tot’s 4-month birthday today;


It is ALSO the 6th week since my surgery. I have bought some compression socks which were hard to find! They needed to cover my foot, and only a few places carried them. I had to go to Endurance Rehab, and they were not cheap! But at the point of PAIN, you’ll pay the moon for comfort. $45 later, I felt less swelling.


This week, I plan to really soak in each moment with Tatum, visiting family, mom, and friends! (Oh, and the Cotster). But as I wrap up this week, I am awestruck by how the book we are reading in English has me reeling with hope of influencing young minds. I read Fahrenheit 451 years ago, and thought it was about book burning, but now, it means so much more. I see a lifeless society, consumed with zero substance and complete nothingness. However, everyone is occupied and busy all of the time.
This somewhat reminds me of this (by unknown author)

The Devil was speaking to his angels. He continued, “This is what I want you to do. Distract them from Bible study, prayer, and meditation.” “How do we do that?” asked an angel. “Keep them busy with nonessentials. Invent unnumbered schemes to occupy their minds. Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, then borrow, borrow, borrow. Persuade wives to go to work for long hours and husbands to work six or seven days a week, ten hours a day, so they can afford their lifestyles. Keep them away from their children as much as possible. As the family becomes fragmented, their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work.”

Satan added, “Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot concentrate on the Word for more than just a few minutes. Entice them to play the radio or CD wherever they go, to keep their TV, VCR, CDs, and PCs going constantly in their homes. Fill their coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with news

24 hours a day. Invade their driving moments with billboards, talk radio, and Top 40. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, sweepstakes, mail order catalogs, and every kind of newsletter and promotional pamphlet offering free products, ‘essential’ services, and false hopes. In their recreation, let them be excessive. Have them return angry, exhausted, and disquieted. Don’t let them stop to see nature and reflect on God’s wonders. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, concerts, and suggestive movies.

“And when they do meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in socializing, gossip, and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences and unsettled emotions. Let them be involved in good causes, but crowd their lives with so many ‘good causes’ that they do not have time for church activities. Soon they will be sacrificing their health and their family for the good of the cause.”

It was quite a convention in the end. The evil angels went eagerly to their assignments. Christians everywhere got busy, busy, busy and rushed here and there.

How successful has Satan’s scheme been? Look at your life, and the lives of your family and friends, and be the judge. Someone gave this anagram of busy: B—Burdened U—Under S—Satan’s Y—Yoke.

(God wants us to enjoy life, but He wants to be first (Matthew 6:33). He must be life to us (Colossians 3:1-4))

I have always been busy. But, my goal is never to be of “nonessential” things. I rarely watch TV. However, I rarely stop moving. ENTER: AT rupture! Many would say that I was being punished or I dug my own hole. Others, me included, have surmised that this has completely changed my perspective on life. No longer can I rush; No longer can I accomplish my mile long list. Things must wait, and I must say NO more than ever now.

What have I gained?  Well, in Fahrenheit 451, the character named Clarisse, enjoys picking dandelions. She drinks in the rain as she lays back her head. She has many one-to-one meaningful conversations about “meaningless (depending on what you consider meaningless)” things. She engages in LIFE; in PEOPLE; in PURPOSE. The rest of society? They “plug in” to their talking walls and don’t need to give anything back. They don’t even think and they don’t realize they don’t think because they have lost their capability to have any introspection. The “devil” has succeeded in taking their eyes off what matters: Relationships and finding purpose (and I would say that comes from having a personal relationship with our Father through Christ who gives us the ability to LOVE/LAUGH/CREATE..)

I guess being grateful today is what I am. I have not gained “the world” but have gained insight into what matters. BE INTENTIONAL with your time 🙂



Entering the Promised Land

As told in the Torah (or the first 5 books of the Bible (Old Testament)), the Israelites were preparing to go to the Promised Land. According to one commentary,

“As they travelled, God was with them. He looked after them. He provided food and drink for them. But the *Israelites complained about life in the *desert. They did not trust God. They did not obey God. So God punished them. They wandered in the *desert for nearly 40 years. All the adults who had left Egypt died in the *desert, except Joshua and Caleb.”

But HE PROMISED. So, what did he do? He gave it to their children. God always does what he has promised.

The concept of PROMISE is something which I am not used to understanding. We throw around that word likes it’s a frisbee and actually believe what we say at that very moment. “If you do this (fill in the blank) for me, I’ll be your best friend forever; I promise!” Remember saying this as a wee tot? Or maybe it was said to you just yesterday! I have been promised (and hooked my hope onto) many friendships, potential love relationships, product or services I have purchased, financial gain.. (the list is endless).
Naked Eyes (that one-hit wonder 80’s group) said it best, “Never had a doubt in the beginning; Never a doubt; Trusted you true in the beginning…You made me promises, promises..You knew you’d never keep; Promises, promises; Why do I believe?”…… Yet most of them fall through and without malicious intent, as opposed to Naked Eyes rendition. Many promises are made thinking they would be fulfilled. Life circumstances just get in the way, and we are let down and disappointed. In fact, I am sure I have broken promises, and this hurts even more because I know how it feels. We are all flawed human beings.

I am keenly aware of this topic because now that I am a mother, I need to watch every word I say. Not only to Tatum, but to everyone. Often a friend at church will say, “We need to get together sometime. Let’s have lunch!” Then I’ll say, “I’ll call you and we’ll get together.” A teeny promise made and made with all our heart! Yes…let’s get together soon and have lunch!  Then what happens? Monday hits and the crazy week begins….and……. next thing you know, it’s a broken promise.

As I focus on my relationship with God, I am constantly…constantly reminded that HE never breaks a promise. He puts things on hold, perhaps, or He doesn’t fulfill what I THINK He should fulfill, but one thing I DO KNOW: He LOVES me, and that may hurt sometimes. That may feel like silence. That may feel like a redirection of MY plan. BUT, when I look back on all the things I have been through, I see HE DOES come through. The children of Israel saw the fulfillment of His promises; the generation preceding did not. They did not see the big picture and often we do not either.

Sometimes, I feel like that Israelite wandering in the desert feeling….well, deserted! The promises made to me were left in cyberspace, and I even feel a silence from my Heavenly Father. That is why I continue to go back to His Word to be reminded; I go back to the stories of the others who have preceded me. I go back to His faithfulness in absolutely everything. And then. And then…. I am at peace.

My God; My Sherpa

This week, I realized how much I need a Sherpa (and thank God I have one!) What is a Sherpa? According to Wikipedia (if I may use such a source!)

“Sherpas are highly regarded as elite mountaineers and experts in their local terrain. They were immeasurably valuable to early explorers of the Himalayan region, serving as guides at the extreme altitudes of the peaks and passes in the region, particularly for expeditions to climb Mt. Everest…They are known for their hardiness, expertise, and experience at high altitudes.” 

I headed back to work (just to help out the sub and work with the kids on some projects) this week with much excitement and yet trepidation. The iffy part had to do with two things: Leaving Tatum and having so very little mobility. The excitement of being around my kids and working with my colleagues made it all worth it. However, I did not have enough internal fortitude to keep it ALL together ALL of the time. Who does? Well, this is when I needed to have God as my Sherpa (ALL THE TIME). 

My “terrain” becomes His terrain when I invite Him into my day. The minute my feet hit the floor, I invite HIM into my walk (no pun intended). “His grace is sufficient for me.” (2 Cor 12:9)  I am going to make mistakes and fall flat on my face (literally!), but with Him guiding my every step (actually allowing him to do so), I can handle it. Peaks, valleys, passes, heights, depths…His love for me and the gratitude I CHOOSE to see in my life, makes each step doable. He has the expertise. He has the experience (through Christ). I depend on Him (my Sherpa). And gosh…I am so dependent, I admit fully. Until I relinquished full control and submitted to His will, I am doomed to my mistakes; my scars, my scabs. I still may get them (they are inevitable), but each one gives me a chance to fall forward into His arms, learning and growing each time.

So, it was a HARD week, but I know I grew and so did Tatum. “She has the sweetest temperament, the cutest laugh, and seems extremely comfortable.” Hearing these words made my heart sing. Also, having her light up when she sees me, brings joy to my world.

May she embrace the newness of her schedule. May I adapt to entering work (eventually!) with less mobility simultaneously being effective and yet positive. May I STOP and enjoy the moment; each and every moment.