It was our first official outing to take pics of birds. We figured we’d head to the Riparian Preserve in Gilbert on President’s Day when Tot would be off school.
Well, we forgot that the rest of AZ would be off that day too, but oh well. We still enjoyed nature!

We arrived there nice and not early which probably was our first mistake.
No worries; we’d just go stroll around the lake and see what we’d see!
First, we caught eye of these cute little turtles.

And we then spied a couple of Valentines. They were kind of hiding from the crowds.

Ducks were everywhere.

The ring necked were glorious!

And of course other beauties.
Doug was getting masterful pictures. We spotted many types of birds. Our bird book at home will come in handy.

It was time for Doug to get back to work, and it was a bit too late to find many birds. We sure had fun, however.

Any outing with my family involving nature is a bonus!