Is this day only about the candy? Well, maybe today, it was about a bit more.
First, Tatum decided to be Batgirl. WHY? The cape of course! The ability to leap a few more inches, the way she glides across the sidewalk and fights those bad guys with her flashy light! Now she can make anyone drop her bag of candy if one would dare take it!
Next, she had a chance to get Mama to wear funny eyes.
Another thing is we had a chance to meet new neighbors and make them smile. That was a gift unto itself.
Then there was this:
ahhhhhhh, that sunset.
Finally, the C.A.N.D.Y! (which she got to pick two).
Of course I put my opinion in with my choice of M & M’s because they are so fun to sort. (It’s the OCD, OK!?) Save the green ones for mommy.
What do they put in this that makes it taste so good?? Peanut butter and chocolate!? Seriously? They make this!? Where have you been all of my life, Resees!?
She slept like a log….a bat log that is!