Each week, Mrs. Phillips chooses a student to be highlighted and focused upon. This week, it’s the TOT!

We put together some pictures, and she glued them on.

Let’s look closer!
Baby pics.

4 and so on.

And the baptism she wanted to highlight. I love that she wanted to take pics of her walls to highlight her life verse/mission and all the pics I drew for her. MELT.

She wanted to also show her swimming feats. That is in her presentation.

She was also to bring in things about her.
She brought “I’m small but I know things” shirt, baby, our engagement book, and two pics: One of she and I from the wedding and one of her and Daddy.
Each day she has brought in items: The blog books, our Piggy and Doggy books we made, cards from Daddy, Mama gifts, the penguin plaque I made, DogMan books….All kinds of things that make Tot the Tot!
She picked them out herself, and what this showed me? SHE VALUES family. She values togetherness. Her heart is about God and family.
On Thursday, she’ll bring in gifts for each kiddo. How kind! Most of the kids just brought candy. Tatum wanted to make gift bags. Gifts and kiddos:

She also had to fill out a sheet:

A mommy and a teacher. MELT. Some may squawk at that, but I say…BRAVO! She is a nurturer at heart. It shows in all she plays with. She’s constantly pretending to be a mommy.
Reading, pink, salad, swimming and TobyMac. Be still my heart!
I love you, Tot. You be YOU.