Today, Tatum’s class got to ride a city bus. They each got to drive and honk the horn.

She felt so big and important in the driver’s seat. Wouldn’t she love to be in charge!?
Later, I went into class to help and all the kids were playing with their buses. It was adorable!

Later, it was time to TASTE CAKE. Yes, I know, it’s a tough job, but we had to do it, ya know.
My dear friend Eva has a bakery in her home as she moved out of her store bakery. She offered to do our cake for us. WOW!
So, she had an assortment of cakes and fillings, and we went to town.

I think they are having a hard time deciding.

Eva, what are we supposed to do? It’s all so delicious!

We finally decided on a vanilla cake with fresh raspberry filling and butter cream frosting for the bottom cake. Oh my, all was fresh and no fake stuff. REAL! I didn’t even have a tummy ache after all the cake I ate.
The top layer will be gluten free with custard filling and butter cream frosting. It doesn’t even taste gluten free…seriously! Can I get an AMEN!?
So, as you can see we were sweetly blessed by this kindness from Eva and a good dose of perfectly pure cake and icing.
Thank you Mrs. Holman for a fun bus trip, and thank you, Eva for the kindness.