Brekkie, Heat, Broken Wings and Sports!

6am: Tatum: Mommy!!! Wake up, Mommy! I’m hungry!

Me: I’ll give you whatever you want; just let me sleep!

Ha..that is how I felt this morning since I probably fell asleep about 5:55am from a restless night sleep. But, Tatum had remembered I had promised her we were going out to breakfast! I got a coupon in the mail for Scramble which is a bit down the street from us; so what the hey! We decided to walk that way!

Now usually this would have been a great idea, but today was to be a record heat wave. At 8am, it was already almost 90, but I figured it would be fun to walk. She held my hand tight and enjoyed watching all the cars zoom by. We even ran through the sprinklers! That brought back memories of AZ summers, and it definitely helped the cooling factor.


We finally arrived and took our seats. It was a place where you order and sit, so that’s what we did!

After a few dollar pancakes, eggs, bacon, and lots of coffee for me, we headed back. OK, so the heat index had grown about 10 degrees in one hour. What!!!?? So we headed to the pool for a swim.

Being only 9am, we had the place to ourselves. All except a little bird stuck in the drain. This took most of the morning (one hour or so) to retrieve the stuck birdie. I finally got him out with the pool scooper, and laid him on the grass. His wing was hurt and he just shook. Tatum and I (well, actually I) were struggling to enjoy the pool watching this poor creature struggle so much. Later, my mom took out some food and water to him and we prayed for his healing. It just killed me to see him in so much pain. Gosh….

Anyway, it was a day to try out a new place called Sport ball. We arrived at 3pm for her “multi sport” lesson. This way she has an introduction into all 8 of their sports. They only did 3 today, and she LOVED basketball (just like my dad!) IMG_3508IMG_3509 IMG_3511

After this, we signed her up and she got a jersey. The coaches fell in love with the little Tot. We’ll see if she likes any of these sports the most. I’m kinda praying she likes and picks up golf. Deep down I want to play that with her since I need a partner to hack around with.

What a fun day. I am wiped, but spending all that time with the little gal just made being wiped not so terrible.


Hmmmmm…. I just wonder what the future holds for her. All I can do is introduce her to opportunities! Love this gal!