She seems to have many in her life. Is it because she’s so darn adorable? Or is it because most of my friends have boy kiddos. Both. Interestingly, they have two responses to her.
1. Don’t take my train..It’s mine…That is my toy… Hands off. etc….
2. Complete and total hugarama. (she glances at me and her eyes say, “mom..really?”)
Then there’s Jack. Amy, my dear friend has a little guy named Jack. Tatum is in love with him! She wants to know where Jack is, will Jack be there…etc. He is quite the cutie.
And he owns a Thomas train. This is such a bonus. But….she is thinking…”Get your hands of my baby!”
Of course, Robert is probably going to win out because he has the coolest Thomas hat. This got her eye.
And then Jennie captured her ear with Thomas and the 10 Balloons.
The great thing about playdates is mommy does get a tad bit of adult interaction, but more importantly, we, the parental units, get to navigate our childs’ needs to HAVE IT or I WANT IT NOW. Until our kids are faced with these opportunities to practice life skills, they won’t learn until they are older. I’d rather have Tatum have the tools to be polite and gracious NOW rather than when she is in school. So I welcome BEING PRESENT when the other kids act out on her or she is impolite. Then, I can guide her through it instead of having it be a discipline issue later on.