Blogs to blog about

In my laid-up/leg-up position, I’ve been made me keenly aware of the world of blogging. Not only that, but I’m just hungry for  information, ideas, inspirations, ideals and interconnectedness:

So, I thought I’d make a list of some of my “found” blogs:

  • Achilles Recovery:

  • Sites discussing Christ

Tim Challies Blog:

Personal Finances:

Desiring God: John Piper:

Albert Mohler:

Good Commentaries:

  •  Fitness:

Serious lifting advice! 

Overall health and fitness:

Overall and just fun recipes too:

  •  Recipes/Health

Well done and beautiful:

Beautiful site + a Christian with great recipes:

Just like the magazine:

Gluten Free and healthy:

Although I’m not Paleo, this is great:

  • Mommy Blogs:


Lisa Belkin/Motherlode:

Parenting Mag:

Focus on the Family:

  • Just love reading these:

Cup o Jo…She is just a great read..everything:

Getting Things Done!