Being There

One of the challenges I face daily is my own nature…..I constantly think of what is next or tomorrow. Being PRESENT does not come naturally to me, so I actually keep my camera with me at all times so I can document the moment and think about how special it was.

This occurred to me on Friday when I met my dear friend Elizabeth and Tatum’s future husband, 2-year old Nicholas at PV mall’s play area. We arrived when the BKOC (Big Kids on Campus (the 4-5 year olds) had just left. This allowed Tatum and Nicholas to enjoy the area a bit more loosely.

IMG_5300However, I still had to monitor because she needs to have “training” in how to handle situations and climbing dilemmas/dangers before I move my ‘helicopter’ness over to the side couch. This was not the case with any other mom. Elizabeth and I were the only ones with about 35 kids running around rampant as the vacant side-couch moms (and some dads) sat glued to their phones. Now, I get it..sometimes you need to send a text or answer an emergency, but really? And..I also get you have to let your kids go at some point and let them fight their battles, but isn’t that why we are SAHM’s in the first place; To train our kids in the way they should go early on?? We two had to navigate the kiddos to get in a line and not push our little ones off the side. Where were those parents? They were “not there.” I am noticing this more and more when Tatum and I are together in public.

After a lot of climbing and just observing as Tatum loves to do, she just chilled.


Whoever is in charge of placement of tempting toys in the mall should get a medal because they are all around. Example: the mall choo-choo train comes around constantly filled with children and parents. What would any curious child say? “Choo-choo???!!” I had to have a little side conversation with her about this and assure her that we would do the choo-choo another day. She really understood me, but it did not help to have it whistle and loiter around the play area. So, we decided to skedaddle and head right on over to the “up and down” as promised.


Selfie with Tatum! She rode it by herself instead of me having to stand right next to her. Big step! Another big step is her eating her lunch with a big person fork and spoon. Impressive. Why does she not do this at home where it’s caveman hands stuffing handfuls of food in mouth?IMG_5308 IMG_5309

Again, more temptation surrounds the food court, so I let her jump on some of the rides; she did not have to know that they actually moved! 75 cents per ride? Sheesh!


Of course she had to greet Mr. Bear when she hopped in the bus.


Then smile pretty on the choo-choo. This was a fight to get her off and migrate over to her stroller.

Mall time made the Tot sleepy. So, she went down and stayed pretty groggy.
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Doggie wanted to play but she discovered how to use the camera on my phone and took a selfie. IMG_5323

What did I learn today? Be present. This time won’t last long. If I don’t savor it, it will be gone before I know it.