Filled with love

Celebrating Mother’s Day. It’s my fifth one as a mom, and it sure is special. I also get to celebrate MY mom. The beauty of motherhood is truly, as Pastor Jamie said, filled with imparting grace/kindness and knowledge to our children.

Often, I feel like I could do better, but again, as he mentioned, I am marked by God, and He will fill in the gaps. I shall have sincere faith throughout so I can guide Tatum. Thank you, mom for being that rock for me!!!

We arrived early for church and Tot took pictures of me with her baby. I love being the Grandma.

Then my guy showed up and took our pic. Can you tell I can’t get enough of her? I wish I would have gotten a picture with my handsome man. But alas….

She joined us for the singing and it was incredible. The men all dressed up in black suits sang a serenade to us ladies; HELLO! It was “We believe” by NewsBoyz. So goosebumpy!! Men singing and playing instruments….a wonderful gift.

Anyway, after service, we posed and Doug clicked again.

After we got home, I made brunch for us all. My dear mom’s back was hurting so she couldn’t attend church, but she was ready to eat and be with us. Hooray!!

Doug prepared the gifts with Tatum. He went ALL out to make us feels special.

He also played with her while I got everything ready. Tot tired him out I’m sure.

She cuted him to death for sure, and I pretty sure he doesn’t mind.

She also took him out on her bike, and I should say she is almost ready for the pedals!!!


The rest of the morning, she sang for us, danced, and made us laugh.

Doug gave me the sweetest card EVER (well, I don’t know if ever because he’s given me so many amazing cards),

and just look at this pic?

Wowza wowzy!!!

I got to spend the day with my bumby, my beautiful mom, my little snuggles, and my love.
Could I be more blessed? XO