Chillin and Unruffled!

He’s our new chill pill. Yep, our little Amarillo is just one big “go with the flow”-er

Well, what happens when you add Cooper to the mix? Our little white fluff ball is all about playing. He wants to play with Amarillo, and it appears that it starts with the big sniff.

Then he goes in…

Amarillo? He defended himself with a little beak action, and then? THE BIG…..

Kiss? Or not. You be the judge.

Well, I say that they are kinda cute together. Amarillo is not “ruffled” by Coopy, and Coopy does not mistake Rio for a chew toy. This is all very good!

I’ll tell you what…he is so the chillin bird. He sleeps on Tatum’s shoulder as if he were laying down. Truly unruffled.

Welcome to our family, Amarillo (RILLO!)

As you know, we lost Woody two weeks ago in a sad accident. It has been a process of healing and growing. Tatum and I have been waiting for the new birds to become available at Birds and Then Some. Jacqueline kindly told us we would have the FIRST pick of the new two hand fed birds that would be arriving any day. They would be a mix/hybrid of English and American (Australian) breed of parakeet.

According to experts, “The English Budgie and the American Budgie are quite different in appearance as well as their temperament and characteristics; The American Budgie, also called the Australian Budgie, tends to be quite small in size but they can also be loud and vocal in their home.” Conversely, the English Budgie, which is also called the Show Budgie or Exhibition Budgie, is much larger is not as loud or vocal. They tend to be sweeter and more “go with the flow.”

When Tatum met the new two birds, she instantly locked eyes with this one. HE also was a HE which is what she wanted. They hit if off instantly. Tatum wrote about it below:


August 17, 2023 

My eyes fixed on two small little parakeets. Which one was him, I thought as I glanced at the female, then the male. As soon as the woman walked over to us I pointed at the male. “ May I please hold him”?  I asked with a quivering lip. The small parakeet started to nip at my thumb in a playful way. Tweet , chirp and bounce, tweet, chirp,and bounce, is what this small bundle of joy kept doing. All the sudden I thought of a name, Tweety. But then my mom said the perfect name, Amarillo. The nickname Rio started to scream at me.  

Then at the cash register a cute small baby love bird and Rio started to play. The two were adorable and I loved Rio even more. 

He continued to puff up his feathers as he was so animated at only 1 1/2 months old!

An hour later me and Rio were in the car playing, but Rio was as silent as a mouse. I had fallen in love with him and I was not going to let him get hurt.                  

At home I grabbed my iPad and me and Rio watched Dainel tiger. I set the table and then me and Rio were off to learn some Spanish on ,Duolingo. Rio also ate some dinner, seed’s. Then me, mommy, Rio, and Coopy went into the art room to read, Matilda.    

Pretty soon it was time to go to bed. Rio went into his cage and I turned on some relaxing classical music for us. Then the lights went off and we went to bed.   


Little Amarillo! Rillo!

He is definitely “chill!”

A new era has arrived, and for that we are so grateful.

Starting 5th Grade…WHO IS SHE!?

Tatum Hay. What makes her special? She had an assignment for her to explain things that are special to her.

She had to fill each polygon with a number and description. From left top around: 9: Nine years of singing she has enjoyed, 8: Eight months with Woody, 4: Four books in the Wingfeather series by Andrew Peterson, 66: Sixty-six books in the Bible, 6: Six people in our family, 1: Coopy!, 2: Two sports: Soccer and Swimming, and finally 5: Five years of marriage for D and me!

She presented to her class! I’m so grateful for this little bundle of joy.

And so it goes….5th grade Happy Sad start!

I should be excited! Right? Well, part of me is so excited for her to begin this journey. It’s a whole new class with new starts.

Last year was hard for Tatum due to some bullying from so -called friends. Hurtful and hard to watch her come home daily crying (and lashing out). She was assigned to be an ambassador to a new girl, Felicity.

They ended up hitting it off, and so I requested for them to be in the same class (this was also the class with Hayden whom she has been buddies with since Kinder). Mrs. Merrick has been at PVCP for over 20 years and is know to be a bit tough. In fact, the other 5th grade class was bigger, so it made sense for Tatum to go into Merrick’s. I’m quite excited about the smaller class and hopefully less drama.

The sad part for me is that I will miss that little girl. She became more of a “friend” this summer which I know is not necessarily good, but with my health so poor, I really bonded with her. She was a rock for me, and she just loved and supported me; no expectations …just love. Often she would sing to me (with Coopy of course)

We’d draw together, read together, do school together, and watch shows. Bluey and Bingo was one!

The night before, Daddy and I sent her off with GOD’S love supporting her too!

This rock star is so many more things, but especially so KIND and GOD-Loving. (along with creative, FUN/FUNNY, and beautiful inside and out)

I made the fam build your own nachos with baked potato chips!



I bought her a little CUDDLES to hold every night (thanks daddy for the idea for a name)

He came in the car ride and I was told to keep him near me all day.

GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS! Yes! This year’s theme.

I LOVE YOU TOT! MAY YOU SHINE like the SON this year.

NOT a BUMMER Summer School Graduation

OH, bittersweet!
We started with some Math and Grammar. Then…My little Math Whiz..

You did it!
You worked so hard this summer. Especially in Apologetics. I think you can defend your faith and give a GOOD reason for the WHY behind your faith in Jesus.

We celebrated by putting a shine in our step!

Shoot, once a year, you have to have pretty feet.

I’ll miss our summer mornings, Tot. But, you’ll always be the apple of my eye!

Tatum and Mommy’s FIFTH book! Piggie and Puppy say goodbye

Every summer since 2019, we have written a book.

Then we turned it into a VOLUME!

We brainstormed what would our new book be about? The best books take a real situation and turn it into a “lesson” for others. So she remembered about her puppet show about bullying. This would be perfect! We also wanted to introduce new characters like Scaredy squirrel. Maybe it was time for Piggie to move on and meet Gerald. (Mo Willems, eat your heart out!) We had our story all set. Now it was time to put it in our journals and come up with a script.

Here is our cover:

We wanted to stress the idea of being COOL is all about being who YOU really are and not selling your soul to fit in or please another. Gerald and Piggie find each other amidst the temptation to be part of the “crowd.” We dedicated the book to Woody.

All rhyming! Also, we have, we have this same pic in each book…that “what do I do?” picture and dilemma. The wise sage here, Puppy, is flooding Piggie’s head with wisdom. (with a poem ).

Proverbs 17:17. Yes. Forgiveness and Friendship!
May this 5th grade school year be filled with this. AMEN! I love you, TOT! I can’t wait for our book to be sent to us from Snapfish.