The little joys

This little one. She enjoyed the PVCP picnic with Daddy and came home all butterflied up! Apparently she and Kacey got matching designs to make a complete butterfly.

And then, in the morning…our pets.

Cooper is all about play until the BIG SCARY RIO comes a-tweeting towards him. Cooper gets all flustered.

Rio is clueless of how he taunts the little white fluffball.

The joys.

Mary did you know?

Tatum is so excited to play you!
In the PVCP Christmas concert!

She tried out, and she GOT IT. Here are her lines:

(In the character of Mary) – It all started when I was visited by an unexpected guest…an angel.  Instantly, I was scared to death!  

He told me not to be afraid & then he reassured me that I found favor with God.

He actually said that I was highly favored and that the Lord was with me.

He told me that I would conceive and give birth to a Son…not just any son…but the Son of the Most High…the Son of God! 

I was to name Him, ‘Jesus.’…Yeshua…meaning Deliverer…Rescuer.

My head was spinning…

WAIT!!!  I’m supposed to be marrying Joseph…How can this happen?  Why me? My family?  We would all be disgraced.

I was scared…I was uncertain…..but I was CHOSEN…….chosen…


I am the Lord’s servant.  May Your Word to me be fulfilled.

SHE TRIED OUT with so many other students, and a few days later, we got this email from Mrs. Cline.


This email is to notify you that Tatum has been selected to be Mary for this year’s Christmas program.

We are so excited and proud of you, TOT!

Brace yourself! She’s not casted out!

Visiting with Dr. Frankl, we learned so much about growth platelets in kids. God is so good with how the body is made.

Supposedly, a child’s body is like a young tree. If you try to bend a branch, it’s pliable and will bend back. If it is an older tree branch, it will crack in half.

Here is Tot’s forearm; see the bulge? That is the air fracture.

Choice was a cast or a brace. She thought about ITCHING. She can take off the brace for an itch, for bathing and swimming. So brace it is!

She loves it so much more, and Coopy gives her so much TLC.

Sprouting with love and health!

We love broccoli. Well, rephrase. I LOVE broccoli; I’m trying to get my kiddo to LOVE it too. However, I can get her to love the sprouts since they are so fun to DIY!


Both broccoli and broccoli sprouts are full of healing antioxidants, although broccoli sprouts has 50-100 times more healing properties than the big bundles of broccoli you might buy. What makes is so healthy? “Sulfurophane.” (it’s that odor you smell when you cook cruciferous veggies)

SO…for instance, 1 cup of broccoli sprouts equals 100 cups of broccoli due to the sulforaphane extraction found in the munched up sprouts we chew.

I’d rather get more bang for my buck with the sprouts, although I’ll still eat my little delicious trees! I do know that the sprouts help with digestion.

I bought the seeds, watched a video (thanks to my honey’s research), bought the venting lids, and ….

(oh I purchased other sprouts too….like radish, alfalfa, and clove. Who knew you could sprout so many veggies!

Ok, Tot…help. me out. My one-armed little one poured the water. (read another blog about the WHY behind the one-arm).

Three days later!!!

I am so excited. Daddy is excited too since a package of these at the store is about 5 bucks

They are done and ready to partake. MORE LATER

HEEHEE! Stay tuned for more sprouting stories.

Fractured but not Broken: MY BRAVE TROOPER!

About an hour before her soccer game, I got a call from her school. She was in PE, and apparently she got hit with a soccer ball. I could hear her crying in the background.

I immediately headed over there to pick her up. No game today!
I figured she sprained her arm, so we headed home and I gave her some aspirin to dull the pain.

It looked pretty. lifeless but again, I thought it was sprained.

The next day was to be a 1/2 day at school, so we made an appt at urgent care for 8:45am.

We showed up early to get in!! She was in a ton of pain; more than was normal for a sprain.

OH, so hard to see her in this much pain.

We waited and waited….and waited, trying to get our minds off the pain!
Finally after X-rays, we saw….oh. yes. Fractured.

They wrapped it up in a temporary cast and a CUTE sling (thank goodness for the cuteness)

and they gave me a few Orthos to call.

FOUR places. THEN…..BINGO!
We got in first thing MONDAY morning in a location RIGHT NEXT TO OUR HOME! Not a coincidence.

So we have the weekend to rest, relax, and recover until the BIG CAST; what color will it be? Stay tuned. So proud of my one-armed gal.

She may be fractured, but she is never broken. SHE GETS BACK UP AND KEEPS THE FAITH. LOVE YOU TOT! (Goodbye soccer this season)

And they’re………..O.F.F!!!

Can I get an AMEN!? For almost TWO years, Tatum has had those little silver friends attending her mouth party.

We arrived early to our appointment since it was on a school day; she had to miss the morning and then return in the afternoon to be fitted for the retainer. Oh the anticipation…get them off me!

Pretty smilel!! EEEEEE!!!!

Now, she gets fitted for a retainer.

But wait!!! They have a PARTY GOING ON RIGHT HERE….A CELEBRATION.. (playing in the background)

Thank you Dr. Barakat! See you soon!

For a parting gift, guess what they gave her? A stuffy? No. A container of toothpaste? No. A near bike? No.

Yes, a dentist favorite. Milk Duds, Swedish fish, gummy bears…all the things that she couldn’t eat. AYE AYE AYE!

But, all she wanted was a salad for dinner. YES! A girl after my own heart.

Oh, the joy. Now, popcorn is in the cards for today as well.

We love your smile… my love.

Soccer and the Sickies….

She loves her team. GO PANTHERS! I love watching her run across the field with the team,

even if she is not touching the ball. She did today!

And on the sidelines, she converses with her buddy, Luke; the other 5th grader on the team.

All was going just fine until……..

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuu. THE DREADED COUGH and SCRATCH THROAT>

The writing was on the wall. Yep.

So, Saturday, she felt a bit off; we were attending the Special Ministries Training for SBC, and I was a bit off. But then later? That evening, Tatum came down with a temperature. All day Sunday she was down; out on the couch before it was time for bed. Poor thing.

However, I gave her some immunity boosters and some. Oscil……however you say it.

And she was pretty much better by Monday. HOWEVER, I had her stay home just to be on the safe side.

Her teachers were nice enough to give us the work, and off we were to homework! We made a schedule for the day.

Of course, a little coffee with flax milk and a pumpkin spice protein bar to make things fun.

First stop; SCIENCE and learning about the eyes of animals and how/if they see color!?

Then she was to finish her Old Yeller project. And, speaking of COLOR! WOW!

Soccer did wait, and her sickness did get better. Now, we will have a great, healthy week! AMEN!