I had Tatum quick write some of her passions. What gets her going~>
Well, she added these things!

Writing, reading, decorating, filming and birds.
BOOM! Now let’s capitalize on these!
Living an Intentional Life
I had Tatum quick write some of her passions. What gets her going~>
Well, she added these things!
Writing, reading, decorating, filming and birds.
BOOM! Now let’s capitalize on these!
Yes, you heard me. Sleep Apnea.
I know I don’t wake up rested. I know I get at least 8 hours of sleep. Something is missing, but what!!??
I hired a company, Empower Sleep, to help me. This is a virtual sleep optimization company founded by 2 doctors. Apparently, approximately 70 million Americans are suffering from sleep disorders – most of whom are undiagnosed.
I met with someone for the first round, and they sent me a ring to track my sleep for 10 days.
This is Oura ring on steroids. It tracks so much deeper. Plus, it identified things my Oura ring missed. According to Oura, I have pretty decent sleep. According to them??
Sleep Quality and Pathology are in the pot!
Sleep Apnea!? ME!?
My stable sleep is 1%. Can’t get much lower.
I met with my team again to go over these results in depth. It just shows you, you can be in bed for 10 hours and still have crappy sleep.
This was such an eye opener. The next step was finding out how to fix it.
WELCOME TO CPAP….soon to be named CTRAP because that is what it feels like on your face. This is just the machine that sits by your bed. It’s part humidifier which is cool.
THE MASK…This lovely contraption
… is just…well just CONFINING. I must get used to it. The first night, somehow, the whole unit ended up on the floor, and the air being pumped into my nose was on overdrive. I just shut it off. FAIL.
Today, I ordered a NEW mask. I pray it is better fitting and more comfortable.
Stay tuned for results.
Please JESUS! I don’t care if I look like I’m an alien with a gas mask. I’ll take the sleep. AMEN!
OH, it’s so good!! I LOVE HER WRITING!! Mark asked her to write a short story, and did she ever.
The soft waves crashed into the sides of the S.S. Pillow.
“Your drink, madam,” a skinny man with dorky glasses uttered, setting a silver tray down before turning to leave. His gait was so hasty, it almost seemed like he was running on eggshells.
“Henry, I wanted a martini, not this—” She glanced down, turning her nose up at the drink. “Not this trashy pina colada.”
Henry paused mid-step, then turned around, lifting his glasses up to the bridge of his nose, his eyes wide with innocent confusion. “As you wish, Dovi.” He clicked his tongue, then scrambled off, muttering under his breath.
Dovi ignored him, her fingers adjusting her perfect ponytail as she studied her reflection in the pocket mirror. The cabin’s decor was elegant, but the pina colada was an insult to her impeccable taste.
Mr. Jowl, an aging man with a double chin that seemed to swallow his neck, slowly turned his head toward Dovi, his gold chain glinting in the light. He leaned forward, adjusting the waistband of his pants, which were slightly too tight.
“Honey, you shouldn’t treat Henry that way,” he murmured in a conspiratorial tone.
“Jerston, it’s Henry, not Heny,” Dovi replied, not looking up from her mirror.
“Same thing, my dear,” Jerston quipped, waving a hand dismissively as he adjusted his own thick-rimmed glasses.
Before Dovi could respond, Henry burst back into the room, carrying her martini on a silver tray, looking flustered. His steps were hurried, as if he were racing against some invisible clock.
“Ugh, don’t run with my martini,” she snapped, her eyes narrowing as she finally looked up at him. “Where is my martini?!”
Henry’s face turned pale, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. He glanced nervously around the room before blurting out, “The ship! It’s going down!”
A gasp echoed in the small cabin, and Dovi stood up, suddenly no longer caring about the martini. Her perfectly painted lips parted in disbelief. “What do you mean, ‘going down’?” she demanded, her voice high with panic. “This is a luxury cruise! You must be mistaken!”
“It’s true!” Henry exclaimed, his breath quickening. “The hull’s been breached, madam. Water’s flooding the lower decks.”
Jerston’s face paled as well, but he quickly recovered. “Now, now, there’s no need to panic,” he said, waving a dismissive hand. “Just a little leak, I’m sure. The crew will fix it in no time.”
“I don’t think it’s just a little leak,” Henry stammered, looking out the window as the waves grew choppier. “The lifeboats… they’re gone.”
Dovi’s eyes widened, her grip tightening on her pocket mirror until her fingers turned white. She darted for the door, but Henry blocked her path.
“You can’t leave! The ship might—”
“Move, Henry,” Dovi hissed. Her heels clicked sharply against the floor as she shoved past him. “I’m not about to die on this cheap excuse for a cruise!”
As she stormed down the narrow hallways, Jerston waddled behind her, muttering nervously, “I always said this ship had bad vibes. Never liked the name, S.S. Pillow… too soft, too cushy for a boat.”
Dovi ignored him, her mind racing. The ship was sinking. The reality was settling in, her world tilting at an angle she couldn’t adjust. She had to get off, she had to survive.
But as she turned a corner, she froze. A crew member—one she hadn’t seen before—stood at the end of the hallway, eyes wide with fear.
“Get back!” he shouted, before the lights flickered and the entire ship groaned beneath them. The floor shifted, and Dovi felt the unmistakable lurch of a vessel sinking, its fate sealed.
“There’s no way out, is there?” Jerston asked, his voice cracking.
Dovi swallowed hard, her face now pale with reality, as the sound of water rushing through the lower decks became more and more deafening.
“Not unless you want to swim,” Dovi muttered, her voice oddly calm despite the terror clawing at her insides. “And I don’t know about you, Jerston, but I don’t think I packed my swimsuit for this.”
TATUM HAY, I love your writing!!
It all started with me wanting to repurpose my wedding ring. I had been thinking about a halo cut. Mike, our diamond guy (also we went to HS together), would help us. OH MY…did he out do himself.
Now, I still am planning on getting a wedding band too, but here is the design.
Sadly, Doug…who NEVER EVER gets sick started to feel awful on Valentine’s Day. By Sunday, (our anniversary), he was bed ridden. Sound familiar? Poor guy.
Anyhoo, he still made me feel special with a love note and a card.
I posted an “ODE TO MY HONEY” on FB. This way I could shout to the world how grateful I am.
So many people commented and “LOVED” it because it’s ALL true. He is a rock solid man. And a great husband. I don’t take any of it for granted.
Stay tuned for how we will celebrate. In the meantime, just being…that is best. I love you.
Isn’t this just delightful!? He still bought me a bouquet. How could I not be so happy with these decorating my kitchen…and my heart.
Doug always makes such an effort to make Tatum and me feel so special. He does this also I think to role model for Tatum! I love this!
It was not the best of days for me in terms of health, but I still wanted to make it a special day…so I knew at least I could make a nice meal.
Doug also spoiled us with gifts and cards.
Sheesh.. I wish I “FELT” like the way he sees me> I’m so very blessed.
He also got me a new hair dryer. Now, one might think this is very UNromantic, but I beg to differ. This baby is a POWER HOUSE promising to make my hair so soft and voluminous. I’LL TAKE IT! Thank you so much HHH.
He also makes Tot laugh with his cute cards and fun stuffies!
No, Coop..not for you!
I made stuffed mozzarella meatballs with jicama and parsnip fries.
We watched EVER AFTER and enjoyed the romance (vicarously…sadly this year). I still feel loved and adored. For that, Doug wins the prize every day.
I love my family. xxoo
We are working together on this ADHD journey. Today, we tried white boarding! No, not waterboarding ha!
However, to be fruitful for one with ADHD symptoms, she must OWN her own schedule. So, she wrote it out.
Upon cleaning her desk, she was raring to go.
We also added this new supplement.
I’m hopeful each day for some new breakthroughs. I also aim to make each day fun and MEMORABLE. Her writing continues to prosper.
Mark is so proud of her as he guides her on her book-writing endeavor.
I love you Taties.
February 2, 2025: Groundhog Day
I have been somewhat “stuck” for a while now. Somedays, I feel like I’m living in a time loop that just keeps repeating. Maybe you relate? Mine is health related, and sometimes I don’t see an end to this “sick” feeling daily. Somedays? Better than others, but all in all, it’s not over…YET.
Well, there was a movie, Groundhog Day (1993) starring Bill Murray, which put a whole new perspective on the feeling of “repeat” day in day out.
The movie has Bill Murray experience a supernatural time loop which serves as a metaphor for how some of us experience and describe our lives: trapped in the same ol’ same ol’ day in and day out…
In the film, Phil resorts to human ways to cope with the meaninglessness. (drunkenness, lying, sexual encounters, attempts at suicide)
HOWEVER, Phil wakes up one day and decides to focus, instead on himself, OTHERS! First, he develops an appreciation for art and beauty through classical music, ice sculpting, and acts of service.
At first, his motives are selfish (he wants a woman to love him so he manipulates the situation). However, along the way, he is transformed into a genuinely good person.
ONE DAY, he wakes up and……The meaning of life has become apparent to him: FOCUS ON OTHERS and the world gets better. His days become colorful and vibrant. PURPOSE has been found in direct proportion of the value we place on others.
A Tale of Two Cities famous beginning: “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” CAN ONE DAY BE THE BEST AND WORST at the same time? It’s all a matter of perspective.
The message is this:
Every day is a gift. How you view it, how you use it, is what shapes and determines your destiny.
Every day, no matter what monotonous tasks it contains, can be the best day of your life.
Find a PURPOSE GREATER THAN YOURSELF, and you will create a beautiful life worth living.
This is my reminder every day when I’m feeling like a truck hit me as I lay in bed. I know it will pass, and I can find the beauty in the day. Thank you Jesus.