Aren’t I graceful?

The weekends are such a welcome time of the week. Saturday, we spend the time at our swim lesson as she continues to gain confidence in her back float and going “under!” Going to Cousin Kelly’s house with Morgan and Nyla made for a completely fulfilling day. The girls are getting closer, and I desire for them to be true “sisters” in time. Each of the gals brings such a uniqueness to our family; Morgan with her passion for horses and reading and Nyla with her love of golf. They both are so kind and enjoyable. Plus they ooze integrity and love for Jesus. It’s so contagious.

Sunday, I get to dress Tatum up and enjoy fellowship with friends, family, and of course Jesus. It is also a reunification of Tatum’s time with her mommy as I relish every moment with her. It’s hard to believe that she will be ONE year old in five days.

This once little Tot is soon to be moving on FOOT! Today, she decided to show off for mom with ….The takeoff….

IMG_3573 IMG_3574 IMG_3575 IMG_3577 IMG_3579 IMG_3581 IMG_3585…and landing with the “Aren’t I graceful, Mom?” pose.

Starbucks was a huge excitement upon church today also. We got to visit with “Auntie” Nancy who we just adore. Nancy has been our little angel from almost day one; Nancy and I have so much in common with our kids, and I am so grateful for her in my life.

But, where would I be without my dearest mom?

IMG_3566Moving in with her was the best/hardest thing I ever have done. We are basically on top of each other with the remodeling of the kitchen and the addition of a room to the patio. In fact, the chaos of the house only adds to the need to develop patience and tolerance. Since Tatum came along, God just decided to throw all the chaos and “discomfort” to my life; injury, moving, remodeling…..etc.. Some would say, “Man, that is so unfair and difficult!” I would say, “Thank you, Lord for allowing all of this to develop my character, to develop my relationship with my mother, AND to bring me closer to you for dependence.”

CONTROL: it’s such an illusion. I have none, and since Tatum has come, I have seen that for the more that I desire to make perfect and do myself, the less I can do right. Therefore, God allows this discomfort and “chaos” to enter my life to almost force me to depend on him. I have two choices: Let go, pray, and accept the beauty of change OR grip tight onto my need to control, increasing my frustration and misery. It’s not a hard choice. Not easy, but simple.

Finally, I must say, this week was made even better with my dinner (OUT!) with Denise (thank God for girlfriends), and my BFF, Jocelyn. I had a disconcerting text mid-week, and immediately, I texted Jocy with this. This beautiful, dearest friend of mine checked on me and reached out to me to make sure I was OK. Truly….beautiful friend and sister.

Choose to focus on the GOOD. Again, not easy, but SIMPLE. 🙂