As noted in a previous post, Tatum loves to give gifts to her teachers. Mrs. Phillips is probably her favorite so far; She seems to really encourage Tatum, and I love how she treats the kids.
One of the best parts of Mrs. Phillips is her showing gratitude. She wrote Tatum a thank you note for these gifts and the card.

Tatum did not expect anything in return, but she came home today with this note.

What a wonderful display of gratitude.
Also, our headmaster, Sheryl Temple, lost her mother a few weeks ago. Our family offered to bring them dinner one night. We just received the most lovely thank you note from their family.

Writing out a note of gratitude is underutilized nowadays. Most would whip out a quick email or text. To spend the time obtaining the stationery, writing it out, and putting it in an envelope (oh and to get a stamp!) is quite the effort.
This is why we will continue to do this as a family. It’s a lost art that we don’t want to shirk.
Thank you to her teacher and principal for modeling this!