Yep. We had to do it. We celebrated his 4-month birthday on Sunday. He was born on March 25th, 2019, so actually, Thursday was his b-day. But we wanted Mama to come over and join the fun, so we did it right after church.
Tatum and I got him a card and a new toy.

And we gave him some hugs before church. We told him we’d be home soon. Lotsa hugs for our four-legged cutie!
Mama came after church and we took some necessary pics of course. My honey looked so handsome and Mama looked beautiful. She thinks he looks pretty fine.

Ok, back to Coopy. He loves MAMA!!

So much lovin’ goin’ on.

Mama got him a cute little squeak dog.

He immediately took it to his little cove under his place.

Then it was time for his card and…

HOT FUDGE. Yes, I think he’s ready for the sweet treat. I know we were!
We put a little whipped cream on a spoon (not chocolate since that would be a NO-NO for him), and we probably ruined him for life. Dog food will not have the same appeal I fear.

More, Mama!

Ok, our turn to lick the bowls. (And we did BTW).
One more toy for the cutie pie.
A squeaky ninja which is hopefully indestructible.

All I know is that it was pure joy spending time with my favorite people and animal. FAMILY: Hot fudge, fellowship, and fun. Perfect.
I love you all and COOPER, you bring us so much joy.
We haven’t forgotten you Coti! He and his giraffe send his love.

Thank you, Coti and family!