Back in the summer, I listened to a podcast on Focus on the Family about this organization. American Heritage Girls.

I was immediately intrigued! First week of school, I contacted our Headmaster, Sheryl Temple and ran the idea by her.
First, here is a bit about them: “American Heritage Girls (AHG) was founded by a group of parents wanting a faith-based, scout-type character development program for their daughters in 1995. The AHG Program is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. AHG girls across the nation and the globe participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences, all with an emphasis on Christian values and family involvement. Today there are Troops in every state and in 15 countries around the world.

She was very excited to say the least and agreed to pay for the fees if I could get a group of parents to start with me. I set up a meeting with a few parents, and they all were so interested. It went gangbusters from there. We assembled the BOARD (five ladies) set up many meetings to get this rolled out, and BOOM! Our first meeting was December 6th.
We decided to start small with just 6-10 year olds (thru 4th grade), and then we’d go from there.
We had 30 girls!~

Kate Munroe is my Troop lead (She is also Noah’s mother) (Hearts aflutter)

My dear girl handed out the treats to the girls…servant!

January we’ll start earning badges and rolling this all out!
SO grateful to PVCP and all the moms!