I think the hardest thing about being a parent is not wanting to see your child suffer. This feeling of wanting to take on the pain must be what God feels for us, His children. He took upon the pain of sin and gives us the freedom from being bound to our own sin, but He cannot remove all struggle and suffering because we still live in a fallen world. ALSO, we must also learn and grow from our struggles so that we can produce character. “and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.” (Romans 5:4)
Oh may it be.
You see, my sweet girl experiences struggles through her incessant coughing, her constantly running nose, her other not to mention issues that are in her body. Plus she gets boo-boos constantly. Daily. She experiences injustice from friends, and sometimes she is even the instigator of this which is hard to hear. But, it’s all part of her journey of growing and learning….experiencing. KNOWING that there is something wrong. We all have this sinful nature in us and we all have sinful bodies (that get sick!). What is the answer to all of this? What could it be? It’s a NEED we all have. A NEED for a savior to be free from this sin. We need forgiveness; a way to be forgiven and live in glorious gratitude of this freedom.

I’m here for you, Tot. I’m here to pick you up, encourage you, be your biggest cheerleader. I cannot remove any of it, but I can guide you through. You know what will happen? You’ll become a more compassionate, strong, loving girl because you’ve been there done that.
You are my favorite person to be with in how much joy you bring me; You become my teacher by watching you grow and learn. I learn how much God loves me by how much I love you.