A Wholly B-Rainy Day

The minute we arrived at our destination, it decided to rain in sheets! Tatum and I were drenched, but that did not stop us from our fun day.

Before we left the house, however, she surprised us with a little present in her potty. Her choice to go! She grabbed about three books and plopped down. (By the way, this is why I (the germophobe) disinfects library books when I get home because I’m sure there was another little one who had the same idea with this same book)IMG_0486

A little bit of everything was the mantra of the day, and honestly, I think each piece of her brain was firing on all cylinders.

Her emotions were flying high when I left her in the Kids Klub at the gym. Usually, she wants three or four hugs and kisses and is FINE, but today, she wanted about five, and as she continued to cry a bit, knowing I ALWAYS come back finally said, “I love you, mommy,” and walked off with her friend Mac.

When I returned, it was a different story. She had a crowd of about three girls (all about six years old) surrounding her on the carpet and she was reading them a story aloud. When she stopped, she said, “Mommy, this is Hannah and ‘Lina (for Angelina), and…’what was your name?’ and Janie.” OK, my girl is 2.8 and she’s running the show and being the social queen. Plus, she’s entertaining them with a  book.

Now only sprinkling, we headed to a makeup swim class for some more neural connections…and of course some social time to talk to the instructors and thank them for all they do! She dove in and rolled on her back then on her tummy three times without Kylie’s help. Yahoo!

On our way home, she wanted to read another book, so I let her read I Want My Hat Back, and we both had a laugh. There is a running debate about the bear and if he ate the bunny who took his hat? Or did he just sit on her….hmmm. IMG_0474

Finally, it was time to boost that hippocampus which is an area of the brain involved in learning and memory. She practiced her guitar along with Laurie Breckner playing her guitar. IMG_0481

She seems to like “I’m Gonna Catch You” the most, but the side effect is that I’m singing it in my subconscious all day long. It’s like that commercial you can’t get out of your head.

No day can be complete without a little building, so of course we had to build some kind of tower. Tot was more interested in the little truck with a hook and talking to the little girl next to her, but either way, it was fun for me to stack some legos.

It was a WHOLE day engaging the WHOLE brain.
Coti play usually ends our day, but since it was so stormy out, he was hiding in Tatum’s room in the corner.

IMG_0488Whatever God has in store for this amazing child, I have no idea. What I do know is that her LIGHT WILL SHINE wherever she goes, and that she will be a blessing to others. If she can remember that as her purpose, then I know she will be a successful, happy person!