I woke up looking forward to changing out of my jeans and shirt from the day prior (see Part I). When I went downstairs, I heard Tot smiling from ear to ear spooning delicious homemade applesauce oatmeal into her mouth thanks to Dolly’s wonderful cooking skills.
My luggage was not there, but I had received an email saying they dropped it off at his front door. The mystery needed solving so first Dolly started calling the neighbors. Doug began to put his shoes on to seek out the neighborhood, when little did we know Thomas had already gone hunting. He returned in 10 minutes with my luggage in hand. Hooray. Go Thomas!
After breakfast, Tot kidnapped Thomas again to do some more playing. She wanted to be with him constantly. It was great for Tatum to have a “big brother” figure to play with. He made it so easy. She definitely had lots of toys from which to choose! That is one thing my brother does not lack; CHOICES of fun things to do! Also, it was so fun to see Tatum experience what I had as a child: A big “brother” to look up to (for whom I still do).
We wanted to go to the park but first we enjoyed going outside to get some pics. My family. All smiles. We all admired Johnathan’s work in the front of the house. (garden, driveway, new projects, etc…)
Seester! All I can say is her hair… Always so perfect! Note: mine is usually up or with a hat.
At the park, Tot wanted to show us her pumping skills on the swing. She “did not need help” unless Thomas offered of course!
This was a great time for my brother and I also to talk and walk. Probably one of the best times I’ve ever had with my brother! While we did this, Dolly and Doug had a chance to get to know each other. Priceless. Plus, Tatum was having a BLAST with Thomas. A full win-win-win-win-win!
Now, when we got home, first, Johnathan took Doug on a tour of his property. Doug and John truly bonded and shared project ideas. The grape tree was calling first, so they picked some. Dolly introduced us to Calendula. Not the oils, like I was used to, but the ACTUAL flower. The healing properties are endless, so we ate some! Can’t hurt, right!?
I can feel the healing going on when I just put it in my mouth. Not sure what it healed, but I felt all cleansed inside. Was it the Calendula or my chat with John? They sure were both energizing and cleansing!
Before dinner, Thomas promised us he’d play some piano for us. I could not wait!! Tatum immediately wanted to be part of the action. She looks up to Tommy so very much as do I.
He was on. All was quiet and we were glued to him. NO pressure!! Gosh, he was so brave to play for all of us, and he sure exceeded our expectations. He even played my favorite:
Tatum wanted to be him after!
Our concert was worth every moment so what could be to come? A culinary delight. My brother always outdoes himself. Doug could not believe how beautiful it was too, so he snapped some shots.
The guests seem happy!! Yep!Much fun conversation, laughing, and silliness made the evening so fun.
How could it get better!?? GAMES!
And it did even get better as we all strategized to outdo one another. Truly healthy competition; Doug probably had no idea how seriously we all took it, but in a fun way.
We stayed up way too late, but I don’t regret a minute of it! The next day we had to leave, so I knew we had to get our beauty sleep. Thank goodness my brother has his sleeping tricks: L Glycine. Down the gullet!
How would I make it without my brother’s tips and tricks, Dolly’s (and my bro’s) wisdom, Thomas’ kindness and brilliance, and my guy’s pure perfection in every way!?
Kinda grateful here.
Stay tuned for Part III to find out what Tot’s big surprise was on our way home, plus some reflection on all of this.