A Week of…


First, my mom got some kind of stomach bug. She felt like she was going to throw up all day, and then was also very week. All week long, I felt like a bus hit my body, yet kept up with everything on my plate..and then some.

Friday, it bit me too, and I wanted to sleep for days. I even had to leave the Sports Banquet early. Trying some toast right now as I stare at Tatum on her little play mat. These are the times I wish I had another set of hands, but on the other hand, I want to spend ALL of my time with her when she is not in school.

Photo on 5-2-13 at 7.08 PM #2

I can’t waste any time, and I know being sick is just a darn waste. Sometimes, I wish I could just suck my fingers and make it all go away!


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