A STRONG Foundation our new home STANDS

We’ve been working on our new McCormick home now for about a year. We will be hopefully moving in in a couple of months, Lord willing. Well, it’s at a crucial point of the construction that we can actually write or paint on the cement or wood since the painting and flooring (some of it at least) is occurring shortly.

We have been collecting just the right Bible verses to put on our walls or floors to signify our house being grounded in HIS TRUTH and HIS LOVE.

Joshua (in Joshua 4) used memory stones to remember GOD’s sovereignty and LOVE for us. We want our home to be filled with FAITH, WORSHIP, SERVICE and GRACE. Doug surprised us with these stencils right over our foyer. “As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.” Josh 24:15. We first had to SIGN our names. Each of us.

Doug helped Tot sign.

We all signed. Wow. So powerful! We want our home to be a house of serving each other, and OTHERS in our neighborhood and world.

Then, we agreed on this verse for right over our doorway. Proverbs 24:3-4: “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;  through knowledge its rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” (the richness of relationship with GOD and each other)

Closer…. I LOVE THIS!

Now, to Tatum’s bedroom. She chose her mission statement that is on her wall to put on her floor. Matthew 5:16: She’ll be standing on this truth to let her light shine (before others, so that they may see her good works and give glory to her Father who is in heaven). I see this in Tatum. She is my little evangelist.

Now, we are moving to her bathroom. This verse will go behind her mirror so when she looks in the mirror, she’ll know that she is FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made.

Yes, Tatum: IT IS TRUE.

Doug and I agreed to have our bedroom filled with the reminder that it will be of JOY. Deut 12:18. We will be filled with JOY in the sight of the Lord and be JOYFUL in all we do.

What an incredible honor to get to do this for our home. I cannot wait to move in with my dear family.

I love you all so much. Thank you, God, for this blessing.