Sunday night at our weekly Hay Happens meeting, I put a Post-it pad and a pen in front of each of us. The challenge was to use the pad through the week to encourage each other.
Well, not only did we encourage each other, we got kind of sneaky. We would find notes on our computer screen, in the microwave, on the faucet in the bathroom, inside a book we were reading, under the placemats, on the coffee maker….quite the sneaky crew, we are!
Here are some examples:

Daddy had fun with Tot on her mirror:

or this one. Turtles, giraffes, ostriches…they love Tot too.

Tot gave it back to us too! Well in the ones below, the top one is from my HHH. The middle one was a sorry note for a lil hiccup Tot had. And then the last one is her giving me well wishes for my day!

Daddy knows how to love on me!

Tot made me a nice extra long love note!

And others….

Tot made Daddy many many many too!

I made the Hay loves this the other night:

Oh this is so fun!
More love from my HHH

And of course on Friday, you have to make it fluffy, right?

These notes really help a hard day, but the also BLESS!
Sometimes a note can be all we need…especially when we have a hiccup. Tot, your heart…MELT.

We just adore each other in the HAY home. There are days…oh, yes, there are days, but we stick together and always build up. Let’s keep it up! AMEN.