Up early as usual, I had the gifts all ready to delegate out through the day. They had been in “anticipation” mode for her up on the dresser.

I set up the island with a sign and gift for more anticipation…and put a goodie in the Art/Play/Quiet time room for her to see as well. I figured she’d go in there to read her Bible and see it. HEEHEE…sneaky, eh?

And she did find it because she was wearing it when I got home from the gym.

Ok, now it is time to launch the fun! Daddy…are you ready back there?

Tatum LOVES…did I mention that she LOOOOOOOVES Pikachu?
So, why not have a mini one around for always!? And of course he needs to be able to see!

She played for awhile until Daddy had the best surprise for her! She has been begging for this. PENCILS! HA! (no…not this, so you’ll just have to wait).

Until then, she helped me in the kitchen with my sourdough bread. I needed a good “knead,” and her Tot hands did the trick. Thank you! I paid her with a hot cocoa. (with marshmallows of course!)

Oh, and in the meantime, guess who texted her?

Yes, Noah..(well Kate, Noah’s mom). He wants to FaceTime with her later. CUTE!
Ok…I think we are ready for more fun for play…

SHE LOVES Legos…and now Lego Friends.

So she immediately got started building while SuperBook played. She loves these Bible History shows.

Connie got her some money, so we decided to head to Target later and purchase a few more “FRIENDS.”

NOW.. it’s time…the OUTING …the surprise from Daddy!

Let’s look closer..

So we decided to head to SBC since they have a Cafe AND a B-ball court next door. Perfect!
Coopy didn’t want us to go.

She immediately started bouncing when we got there..

And we got all warmed up. Go Daddy!

And Tot…she throws with such passion!

We had so much fun!

We then headed to Target to get those FRIENDS!

We did this until………The best part (for me)….HOT FUDGE SUNDAES!

Hopefully your wishes are coming true, Lovebug!

Later, we went to the pool and brought some friends a few cookies. When we got home, we did the rest of the gifts with Daddy and waited for mom to come.
Let’s go!! WE LOVE YOU!!!


Now, she BEGGED…I mean BEGGED for a history textbook and a grammar textbook (5th grade) It is so.

Shurley grammar ( a girl after my heart!)

Well, if you are going to study, you need some smelly yummy essential oils. In a dog container of course.

She always gives cute cards and clothes.

She’ll look adorbs in this! Thank you, Mama!
Later, Tot and I had our girl’s night since Daddy had his men’s group..we planned to celebrate dinner another night. We rented ELF and watched with dinner. Well, Coopy really watched. He is so funny.

And the delish cookies to top it all off. Make another wish, my dear!

What a fun day. When I came to say good morning the next day, guess what she was reading?

History. Yep. and the FRIENDS nearby.

Tatum Hay, these last ten years have been the best, most life-changing/enriching years of MY LIFE. I couldn’t be more grateful and blessed to be YOUR mommy. It’s an honor each and every day to be a part of your life. I get a front seat to see how God is going to use you in this world. He’s already using you in my life and so many others.
Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine so that they may see your good works and give glory to God the Father in heaven.”