Tatum started out this week with excitement to head back to school after missing a whole week.
New shoes. New coat. New cookie pillow thingy that she made for her backpack.
We also made Mrs. Holman a little pizza purse and filled it with my new favorite indulgence (thanks to Mrs. Holman’s suggestion!): Dark chocolate covered peanut butter cups from Trader Joe’s. HELLO!!!
We also spent the week practicing a snow globe picture. Finally, after four tries, Tatum was satisfied with this one, so we put it on cardboard and it sits in her room.
We ended the week with this driving to school.
Such a promise of God and His love for us!!!
She also ended the week with a 100%’s on her Spelling, Math, and Spalding sounds. WOW!
Tonight, we’ll celebrate by going to hear her sing in their Christmas concert.
And she did such a great job!