A day with the TOT!

This girl:

Is full of spunk! Her imagination takes her to the most fun places as she enters the books she currently reads. Karen Kingsbury books she loves:

The characters become her siblings. Same with the Boxcar series! She just loves to be in the book.

Cooper finds her enthralling!

This particular day, President’s Day, we celebrated by drawing, baking, and playing.

Drawing FOR someone of course. In this case, a gumdrop picture for Daddy because he is sweet like sugar!

We also enjoyed going out a bit to buy some groceries. Tatum and I marveled at the flowers around our fountain that Daddy planted this weekend. Colorfully delightful!

The day was so nice to have her home; she gets to see Daddy hard at work which she decided to enter into THIS environment as well.

Yes sir, I’ll get on that right away!

Maybe while she’s in there she could make his desk more organized?

Nope. Duty calls. It’ll have to wait!
In the meantime, she decided to mimic the Daddy with her iPad time tonight while I made dinner.

Tatum, will you set the table please?

Yes, Mommy, after I finish this memo.

And so, the day with the Tot was imaginative, restful and delightful.

Ready for dinner with my family now. I love you, Hay family!