A day of BESTS

Doug and I had been planning on taking Tatum to Sedona for a long while. Why? Because it is the BEST place to hike and BEST place to see God’s creative mountains. It would be a Friday when Doug could take the day off.

But, here’s the BEST news. A week prior to our departure, Jocy, my BESTie (see post about…)https://hayhappens.com/?p=2208), called me to say she’d be in Flagstaff during that week. PERFECT! We decided to meet up in Sedona for the day. This way, I could hang out with her and her oldest daughter Audrey; she could meet Doug, and see the TOT. It was all a great plan.

Before our trip, Doug invested in some car entertainment. Tatum is currently obsessed with this character: IMG_3859

So he came with us in the car as Tatum practiced her webbing, singing “shpow shpow.”  The BEST idea, Doug.

We met up at the Visitor Center and instantly met Smokey the Bear. Apparently he’s still alive and well, speaking his message of cleanliness.

Tatum wanted to hold his hand. Posing.


Then Jocy and I had to take a pose….and then the whole clan.


(Hi beautiful Audrey!)20160729_105430Wait, what about Doug?! Did I mention he’s the BEST boyfriend and photographer E.V.E.R!20160729_105501
Ok, enough pictures! We have a hike to take. Oh, but wait…it’s HOW hot in Sedona today? Jeez. We came to get cooler, but it is 95 or something. So much for that idea. We decided to go to Talaquepaque and shop/see the sights. But first, Audrey wanted to show Tatum some of the wildlife.  Snake – the bronzed version. 20160729_111254

And javelina. Luckily this bronzed version was kind to us. 20160729_111317(0)

We arrived and the water trumped all the shopping. 20160729_114038 20160729_114122

The BEST kiss ever with a soon to be prince. 

Doug was focused on the architecture which was beautiful!20160729_114328

And Tatum? The water. She drenched herself.


This whole being outside thing was not…..Wait. What are we staring at?? No clue. I know! We are thinking: LUNCH!20160729_114807

That’s it. We need food. So off we went to Wildflower. 20160729_120307And this was what Audrey had in mind for being a wildflower herself! 20160729_122140Jocy and I needed a great view pic now. The BEST!20160729_130024

We really need to find some kind of a hike. Doug to the rescue again. He knew of a place that had a creek. That way we could at least be cool. Little did I know we’d be cooled off, but definitely not cool, if you know what I mean (you’ll see).

We headed to a little hotel, found perfect parking and headed down to a little mini-hike sans heat and work. Pure water bliss! Audrey led us through the maze of “what is on the floor of this water!?”

Hi Jocy and Doug!20160729_134314 20160729_134237

Adventuring….20160729_134123 20160729_134120It was not deep, but I found out what was on the bottom. Slippage of some sort..

As I tried to help her up, I slipped!!! And she was not stable to hold onto!20160729_135221 20160729_135218

And then, more slipping.20160729_135216 20160729_135214 20160729_135211

She rescued me…20160729_135210 20160729_135209 20160729_135208

And then I finally rescued her. Mind you, all the others were watching and laughing.
20160729_135206 20160729_135203Well we definitely got cooled off. 20160729_135300 20160729_135307This was so helpful for how hot we were. Glad we could provide the entertainment!

Finally, we decided to head to the Trout farm and catch some fish! Doug again was the BEST navigator, fisherman, and hook helper (not a favorite for any of us).

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And….three seconds flat, she caught her first fish. We have damaged her for life in terms of understanding the challenges of fishing.




Audrey’s turn!IMG_3836She was just as quick, and thanks to Doug, the YUK part was taken care of.

They cleaned the fish for us, and we took home FOUR gorgeous trout ready for cooking.

We drove home with Tot in back, sleeping and comfortable.

Saying goodbye to my BESTie was not the BEST part of the day. Remembering with her is always so special. We were reunited fifteen years ago (this pic is from 2001!)….and she’s still as beautiful as ever. IMG_3857

Being with my BEST guy, my BEST friend and one of her BEST daughters, and my BEST girl made it the BEST day ever.