Oh, sure it does, right? I think I’d rather just get there the quick way; I mean, who wants to go the long windy path? Did the Israelites really want to be in the desert for 40 years? They really wanted to escape slavery and be free for crying out loud!!
Well, God had a lesson in ALL OF IT.
You see, God wants TOTAL redemption of our story.
He also wants to write a BEAUTIFUL story out of our lives (pain and all).
So, alas.
Tatum and I seem to be hit hard with darts of health challenges. I won’t go into detail, but with her allergies and tummy woes, she really has been hit hard.
I continue to fight my battles, but I do have a tremendous amount of support.
How can I turn the pain into something beautiful? Well, I can reach out to others and start a support group?

Yes, it’s called Gut2Great on Facebook; a private group I hope to see help others.
Stay tuned on that.
In the meantime, God has the BIG PICTURE that we don’t see. May I rest in that as we go through each day.
And Tatum? God is using you amidst your pain. Think of Chris…your special needs buddy at church. You breathe life into him, and he adores you. SO do many! Keep being you, and keep fighting knowing God is on the throne and is your TRUE ABBA.