They threw her a party for quitting!

Tatum was honest with me. She has still been sucking her fingers. We have been trying to quit this habit for 3 years now. The dentist, Dr. Vee, has been giving her an incentive for 3 years too! Tatum will quit for a couple of days, then boom; she starts up again. In her heart, she wants to quit, but it never has been long lasting. She blames her teeth hurting.

Well, when we went in to get her teeth cleaned, Dr. Vee said she still had a prize waiting if she would quit. This time, Tatum was determined!

After a week of telling me this, she was successful! I called Dr. Vee and told her the good news.

They told me to bring her in for a celebration. What dentist does this!?

We entered…..and…..

There she was! Bubbles, a balloon, and a treat bag. She crowned her with a princess crown, and made her feel like a million dollars.

I’m so proud of Tatum for finally quitting and being determined.

I’m grateful for Dr. Vee and the office of Children’s Dental for making her feel so special.

That is a healthy smile!

This morning at 7am, Tot had her dentist appointment. I like going before school so we don’t use up our afternoons since I get so little time with her now!

The dentist, Dr. Vee, informed us that her teeth are growing in a size proportionate to her! That is so important because all we need is for her teeth to be NOT Tot sized!

Then, she looked at her back teeth where those nasty little sugar bugs like to make cavities. They look perfectly clean! She asked us if we floss because she could tell her teeth looked healthy. Of course we do! Nightly!

Dr. Vee told us she has seen more cavities than usual with these kiddos. Seeing Tatum’s  healthy teeth made her proud of her. She mentioned the importance of drinking water RIGHT AFTER you eat to rinse out your mouth. It was confirmation for Tot to hear this since I harp on this ALL THE TIME.
It pays off, Tot! Your mommy doesn’t have any cavities either! Let’s keep it going, girl!

Tatum got to put her name on the wall for a cavity free mouth.

They’ll do a drawing at the end of the month for a prize. I just love her dentist!


Ballet, Listening well, and Kindness coins

Today at Ballet class, they invited us in to watch them do their 1st-5th positions. Tatum is taking class with one of her little friends from SBC, Maggie Kate.

She is the one on Tatum’s right. She’s highly spirited and fun like Tot.

She went through all positions with their feet and arms: First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth. Then turn turn turn!

Take a bow!

She did such an amazing job listening today. The teacher came out and pulled me aside and said Tot is the best listener in the class. She is focused, kind, and works hard. That is all I needed to hear!

When we got home, she got to put another coin in the Kindness Jar. 10 gets her a little gift. I like to reward her for doing the RIGHT thing and focus on this. The fancy word is Positive Reinforcement. She doesn’t expect it, and then she sees me noticing.

This was her 10th coin, so she got the Etch a Sketch I had bought for her. She can’t put it down! She especially likes it because Tommy, her cousin,  has one just like it.


You are such a lovely girl, my sweet Tot.

The walls continue to speak!

I finally finished the next art piece for her wall.

I was inspired by this cute picture in her Clubhouse Jr. Magazine.

I fell in love with this little ducky and the verse: “Be filled with joy in the sight of the Lord; be joyful in everything you do.” Deuteronomy 12:18.

SO, I got to work. Man, I had no idea how hard it would be. But, I did not give up. His little feet swimming under the water was the most difficult. How do you get that reflection to pop out!?

In the process… almost finished.


I then made a copy for the frame and put it on her wall.

We are up to 15 masterpieces (ha!) on her wall that I have drawn. I love doing this.

Legos and Reading

The other day when I walked into her classroom, Tatum was reading with the other kids. Mrs. Holman is so grateful for Tatum because when they are in the reading center, Tatum can help the other kids since, “She is the only kid in the class who can read.” (according to Mrs. Holman).

Now, I LOVE to hear this. Well, when we got home, she had just received some new books in the mail. LEGO books of course.

So she wanted to read them (even though they were above her level).

She read them in the car too!

This was perfect timing because she decided with her allowance she wanted to buy another watch. A LEGO watch actually.

OH is it cool! You can take out links and add in Lego faces.

This watch was $20, and she had been saving in her “SPEND” folder for 3 weeks for this watch. (She gets $5/week; she usually puts $3 in her SPEND folder, $1 in her GIVE folder, and $1 in her SAVE). She is up to $25 in her SAVE and she has not touched it.

Instead, she used her SPEND folder to buy the watch keeping her SAVE folder of $25 untouched. HOORAY! (Her GIVE is distributed weekly at church).

I’m so proud of her and she is experiencing the joy of long-term gratification.

My  little reading super Lego girl.

Awareness and Repentance

One of Tatum’s amazing qualities is her QUICK ability to recognize when she “misses the mark.” The Holy Spirit, I believe, is very strong in her. She gets it. 

A major lesson we can all learn in life is that it is not about what happens to you (or mistakes you may make) that are the issue. IT’S HOW YOU HANDLE THEM after their occurrence.

Do you….blame?
Do you……have a fit?
Do you…..complain and grumble?

Do you wallow in your sorrow?


Do you…. admit you are wrong and make things right?
Do you….. take a time out for yourself before you say something you’ll regret?

Do you… things out or let them fester?

Do you….learn from mistakes/challenges and become more kind/compassionate/

You see, Tatum has a lack of impulse control with her comments sometimes (like anyone under 25 …and over for that matter!). This means at times, she will  say something not so kind (or the TONE will be unkind). BOOM. She realizes it before I need to give her that look or say something to her.

And you know what? She makes it right immediately. Key word: Immediately.

Repentance and confession…they are a forgotten need in our world. “A broken and contrite heart you will not despise.” Psalm 51:17. She knows this and I love this about her.


Ring and Ping

Show and Share this week was to bring 2 things that rhyme.

So, Tatum and I brainstormed. She then looked at her ring and said she wanted to bring this in. But what rhymes with it??????
Oh, yes, we had just met the dolphin, Ping, at our Dolphin adventure last week.

I printed out a picture for her to bring in, and I brought her the ring since I was to volunteer that day. She did so well explaining it all, and all of the kids were so engaged in her stories.