Javelinas were huh..huh…hovering in our yard

I take Cooper out for one last relief at night. Tonight, it was not so relieving. Nope.

As I walked toward the grassy area outside our back patio, there they were.

Javelinas just making themselves at home. I whisked Coopy in my arms and ran inside.

We opened up the back door (there is a large wall separating us), and one stared right at us.

GULP. Cooper would have been their dessert.

Moral of the story: Javelinas are not known for their kindness; Keep your puppy close and your eyes constantly open. EEK!

Mama. We just love you!

I got to spend some time with Mama this week. We went to the Phoenix Art Museum’s car show.

The car greeting us was a 1911 Franklin!

Yes, this jalopy could go up to 80 mph.

Mercedes, Maseratis, Ferraris, Bugatis… So much history about cars and their evolution.

Later, we went home to see Coti, and I brought Tatum to join.

Yes, Coti still gets so much love.

Mama, we are praying for you to get some good sleep and for your test results to be informative. We know it’s going to get better. We love you so much.

You were built for speed too!

She prays for her imagination

Ever since she was teensy weensy, Tatum has had an extraordinary imagination. I liken it to a few things. First, I never allowed her to say, “I’m bo_ed; I don’t know what to do.” I would always say, “Figure something out and make it work!” She ALWAYS made the most fun out of the simplest of items. For example, she’d take colored cubes and make them into characters. This would last hours! Second, we have read 30 minutes a day ever since she was a baby. This definitely has helped her brain. Also, she is an only, and so she has had to entertain herself when I cannot.

Often, I find her in her room, talking to her “kids.” She is just giving them advice on life.

Bella is getting an earful here as she teaches her about Jesus.

Sometimes, she just reads to them.

And now she can truly read, so it is quite empowering.

Lately, she has been praying, “God, help me with my imagination and make it stronger.” I love her desire to expand it! Her creativity continues to inspire me.

Oh, little Tot, you are amazing. (she is wearing her “braided” hair).

Daddy and I just adore you and love watching you.

Coopy does too!

Smile! We love your mind, heart, and soul.

Making a tough Saturday bright; The Hay’s don’t stay down

We were going to have a fun-filled day with Liam’s birthday party, some crafts, and a movie in the evening.

Unfortunately, things did not go according to plan. Tatum had a few hiccups this morning with a bit of disrespect and some self-control problems. They were enough for me to say that we would not be going to the party. This consequence hurt so bad because we were BOTH looking forward to this party. But, the payoff is worth the pain. Since it stung so badly, I know this will make an impact.

In the car later, she agreed that this was the right thing to do as much as it hurt. She probably told me 100 times today that she loved me, and she also gave Daddy a million hugs. She knew we wouldn’t change our minds, and she accepted the consequence. She even made thank you cards today for her teachers. We told her that one day she’ll be glad we care enough to discipline her.

Then, when Daddy went out to his truck, he found a hammer inside and a busted dashboard. Someone tried to steal it overnight. So, the cops had to come and take a report and DNA evidence. Thank goodness the criminal left the hammer for this!

Tatum was instantly SO GRATEFUL she has a daddy to protect her from bad guys. Having Daddy around is one thing but to have him so loving and adoring is quite another. He wouldn’t let ANYTHING happen to us.

Tatum knew this would cost money; she disappeared into her room for a while and came back with this money: $27.

She said, Daddy this is for your truck. Doug put it in an envelope and put it in the cabinet. He said, I will keep this in here and we’ll just see what we’ll do. He has every intention to return it, but he wanted her to know how deeply appreciative he is and how much her kindness was taken seriously.

She later lost a tooth while playing, and didn’t let that stop her sense of humor.

Yes, she not only made me laugh, she is getting to get a visit from the tooth fairy tonight. I love how God makes some bright spots is a hard day.

Later, in the night, we all sat down for a celebration of reading the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe which Tot and I read. I had saved this book until she was 8, but I figured she was mature enough at 6. Was I right!

The day was turned around, and Tatum was sure awakened. Making the discipline stick was one of the hardest thing I had to do as a parent. I wanted to give her the world today, but I had to withhold the blessings until she is ready. She will be victorious in her battle with sometimes listening to the wrong voice. I know this because she has HIM. She has the Holy Spirit, and she has us fighting with her.

Hay’s, I’m so grateful to be part of this family. God is so good to us.

Carving our pumpkins 2019

After going to the pumpkin patch, we had to carve our little friends. Halloween is only a day away, so it’s now or never!

Thank you, Daddy for getting some carving instruments.

Now it’s time to take off his hat. Go TOT!

Let’s peek inside.

Glory be; look at all those seeds and pulp. These will be fun to roast. Also, working on these pumpkins reminds me of our hearts. They need to be cleaned and renewed, just like this pumpkin. He needs to be carved up (pruned like what we need)…

And then the light goes in and shines. (Just like when we ask Jesus to renew us inside and become our savior).

You two made masterpieces!

Happy Halloween! I love you Hays!

Has she grown from not coughing?

It started out to be a lovely cold fall day. Yes, it was finally in the 40’s this morning! October never has been so cold. Tatum dressed the part, bow and all, and OH did she win the cute contest.

After a pumpkiny breakfast, gratitude journal, prayers and rushing out the door, we bundled up and headed to school.

I’d pick her up early today. If you have been following Tatum’s life, you’d know that she has had a serious coughing issue. We finally went to an allergist, and he gave her a steroid inhaler plus a protocol of nightly Zyrtec. After one month of this, she would return today to follow up.

When we arrived there, we went through her math flashcards, and a 100% earned her a coveted taffy they had at the front desk. When it was her time to go in, they took her height. SHE IS NOW 41.5 INCHES TALL!!! She has grown 1/2 inch in one month, but her weight has stayed the same. (38 lbs). WOWZA! Has the lack of coughing made her grow?

Anyway, when the Dr. came in, we reported that she has had ZERO coughing in one month.

IT HAS WORKED! Dr. Cowan, we are so grateful for you. He told us to continue with the protocol right before soccer season or before the new blooms. Until then, we can lay off. He then gave us 2 free steroid inhalers (These have got to be $100 each). WOW again!. What a blessing.

Here is the visit:

Tatum, you are thriving! I’m so grateful for you and blessed to be your mommy. You’re working so hard in school, working so hard to grow in character, and your attention to your health is truly paying off. Thank you, Jesus!!!

Final day of Tucson 3rd HAA: Pumpkins!

We decided to surprise Tatum by taking her to the biggest pumpkin patch in AZ. It’s near Tucson in Marana.

It was a beautiful fall day, and we were ready to enjoy all the sights and pick out some plump orange orbs. Tatum was regular admission because she is now above 34″. There is much rejoicing.

We couldn’t believe the size of this place, so we went to the petting zoo first.

I got all the feels seeing these cute llamas, peacocks, goats, pigs, and turkeys.

There was an enormous bounce house which was really just giant pillows. Tatum and I couldn’t resist.

Daddy took pictures of sunflowers while we bounced. He knows these are my favorites.

Train ride around the huge farm, but first, an icee for Tot. Bubble gum was the flavor du jour.

We wanted to make the pig races at the top of an hour. Yes, pig races. We sat next to Charger hoping he was the winner.

Our pig did win! There was so much energy in this place! It made it so much fun.

Time to go pick out our pumpkins.

We picked out 3 of these beauties and took them home to carve. Stay tuned for this fun event.

Time to go. We had a great time, and now time to eat. At Subway, Tatum went around to the tables and got to know the patrons. She is a social butterfly and always making friends.

She didn’t make friends with this poor coyote.

Yes, for $1300, you too could have this friend at your home. What would Coopy think!?

Well, my love…my loves. Doug, Tatum, I just love you both so much. I’m committed to uniting our family and to praying daily for us. We had a wonderful time, and we continue to grow.

We missed you, sweet puppy, but you enjoyed your time at Boulder Falls.

He was so happy to come home, and we were so grateful to see him.

Our 3rd HAA was a success. What will we do for our 4th?? Stay tuned!