Entering the Promised Land

As told in the Torah (or the first 5 books of the Bible (Old Testament)), the Israelites were preparing to go to the Promised Land. According to one commentary,

“As they travelled, God was with them. He looked after them. He provided food and drink for them. But the *Israelites complained about life in the *desert. They did not trust God. They did not obey God. So God punished them. They wandered in the *desert for nearly 40 years. All the adults who had left Egypt died in the *desert, except Joshua and Caleb.”

But HE PROMISED. So, what did he do? He gave it to their children. God always does what he has promised.

The concept of PROMISE is something which I am not used to understanding. We throw around that word likes it’s a frisbee and actually believe what we say at that very moment. “If you do this (fill in the blank) for me, I’ll be your best friend forever; I promise!” Remember saying this as a wee tot? Or maybe it was said to you just yesterday! I have been promised (and hooked my hope onto) many friendships, potential love relationships, product or services I have purchased, financial gain.. (the list is endless).
Naked Eyes (that one-hit wonder 80’s group) said it best, “Never had a doubt in the beginning; Never a doubt; Trusted you true in the beginning…You made me promises, promises..You knew you’d never keep; Promises, promises; Why do I believe?”…… Yet most of them fall through and without malicious intent, as opposed to Naked Eyes rendition. Many promises are made thinking they would be fulfilled. Life circumstances just get in the way, and we are let down and disappointed. In fact, I am sure I have broken promises, and this hurts even more because I know how it feels. We are all flawed human beings.

I am keenly aware of this topic because now that I am a mother, I need to watch every word I say. Not only to Tatum, but to everyone. Often a friend at church will say, “We need to get together sometime. Let’s have lunch!” Then I’ll say, “I’ll call you and we’ll get together.” A teeny promise made and made with all our heart! Yes…let’s get together soon and have lunch!  Then what happens? Monday hits and the crazy week begins….and……. next thing you know, it’s a broken promise.

As I focus on my relationship with God, I am constantly…constantly reminded that HE never breaks a promise. He puts things on hold, perhaps, or He doesn’t fulfill what I THINK He should fulfill, but one thing I DO KNOW: He LOVES me, and that may hurt sometimes. That may feel like silence. That may feel like a redirection of MY plan. BUT, when I look back on all the things I have been through, I see HE DOES come through. The children of Israel saw the fulfillment of His promises; the generation preceding did not. They did not see the big picture and often we do not either.

Sometimes, I feel like that Israelite wandering in the desert feeling….well, deserted! The promises made to me were left in cyberspace, and I even feel a silence from my Heavenly Father. That is why I continue to go back to His Word to be reminded; I go back to the stories of the others who have preceded me. I go back to His faithfulness in absolutely everything. And then. And then…. I am at peace.