Justice, leadership, and sing-a-longs

I witnessed Tatum taking charge today. At the park, there were three young tots (about 2-3 years old), and they all were fighting over a small stroller. Tatum marched right up to the three of them, stood with her hands out and convinced them that they should all SHARE.

Yes, my little Tot has that sense of fairness, and she doesn’t want anyone to be left out or hurt.

Later that day, we headed to a new trail called Horse Lover’s Park. This meandering trail is humongous, and leads right to a little pond. This was our goal. Olivia, Uli (O’s mom), Tot and me all started along the trail. Tot took off running and Olivia yelled for her to stop and wait. Apparently, Olivia is not a runner.

Then, she caught up. Well, Tot stopped and then they were side-tracked with getting walking sticks.

Olivia stopped often to sit and “think” as she would say. Tatum would do the work of Uli and coax Olivia to keep going. It was successful.

Then, the walking stick we found doubled as a …..guess? Tatum turned it into a….

Microphone. It was time for a concert. She told us all to be the audience. Then she would have Olivia come up on “stage” and join the sing along.

Tatum would sing worship songs, and Olivia sang about BINGO the dog. Tatum had us all going with how much God loves us. She was evangelizing to them!!! Love it.

Tatum has the skill of getting everyone to join in the songs, but also to bring them onto the stage! I’m talking PIZZAZZ.

“Uli, now every time I say hearts or bubbles, you clap, OK?” (This is just a sample)

If Uli did not clap, she’d politely remind her.

Did we make it to the pond? Well, not quite, but we did sing, dance, create a band as we walked, and enjoyed the sunshine with friends. Perfect.