I wish Google answered all my questions

Today, I put in the Google box: “Why does my baby fuss so much?” Yesterday, it was, “What are those red bumps on my baby’s face?” Also, “Why does my baby not like her baby carrier?” C’mon Google! Aren’t you supposed to have all the answers? Apparently not. I’m having one of those days where I have more questions than answers.

On Saturday, I ventured to Home Depot to explore the faucets and shower heads. Mine are corroded beyond recognition, and therefore are lacking any utility! So, I figured this would be a great opportunity to try out my Baby Bjorn.  While in the faucet aisle, the kind gentleman frowned as I walked down with a screaming Tatum. She doth protest too much! We walked out of the store, and I thought…no! I shall not be denied. She eventually fell asleep and I felt victorious.

Fast forward to today…I received the Mei Tei Hands Free in the mail and had to try it! She may find this one more comfortable. No such luck. Upon a few minutes of singing and attempted sooting, she doth protest at ear piercing level. WHY!? I took it personally like she didn’t want to nestle next to my chest. I removed the carrier and held her as she quieted down. This girl does not like restriction! I feel so defeated. Dreams of carrying her around the world…POOF. HELP! Are there lessons for these things?