Slow and steady wins the race

Being around Tatum has always been a joy, but lately, I find that she is absolutely wonderful. As of a couple of weeks ago, she does not challenge everything I say, she listens, obeys, and wants to be kind to everyone. Not that she wasn’t before, but she has now come out of her shell and has blossomed into a lovely, vivacious little social butterfly. Sure she has a mind of her own and challenges me, but now it’s in a positive, questioning way as opposed to a rebellious way.

Now, what does this have to do with slow and steady? Remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare? The bunny was hasty, sloppy, and not focused; hence, losing the race to the plodding, purposeful turtle. You see, this is how I see raising Tatum has been. I stayed consistent in my messages to her; i.e. “Say hi and smile; look in his/her eyes when you speak; smile and make the best of the situation; kindness countness over all” etc…

We decided to go catch this fable at the puppet theater today. They changed it to a more Arizona sounding tale: the Desert Tortoise and the Jackrabbit. IMG_4374 IMG_4372

At the end, she got to meet Jack. IMG_4380It’s too bad he lost the race. He partied the night before, whereas the tortoise went to bed early. The tortoise stretched and warmed up, whereas the jackrabbit hastily showed up late and then napped during the race as he snacked on prickly pear cactus. The tortoise plodded along while bunny overate then missed tortoise passing him by thereby winning the race.

The race Tatum will continue to run will be one of staying true to God’s values (which I continue to instill with HIS help). Consistent LOVE. Consistent GRACE. I LOVE YOU!