Coti, Constipation, and Cuteness

Yes…he’s doing everything to get my attention. Last night, Coti snuggled up on the place where Tatum spends play time. “Maybe she’ll play with me if I hang here…or just sleep and look cute.” He comes alive when it’s TTT.

You see, this morning, I “worked” on Tatum to loosen her a bit, if you know what I mean.

Her poor digestive system! If it’s not gas, it’s bloating..if it’s not that, it’s the big C! She’s plugged up like a tight coiled water hose. She’ll blow at any moment! Or will she? Looks like not so much, so I must find a solution. Dr. mentioned trying Glycerin suppositories. Now, this required a very uncomfortable insertion into a not so pleasant area of her body. But…..after wailing, screaming, fear of “what the heck you doin to me, mom…”….SUCCESS! 🙂

Now, she’s lookin pretty darn cute…

Being a mother is just one moment at a time! 🙂

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