What’s a mommy to do? You see your child get so frustrated because she just can’t seem to master her subtraction math facts fast enough. The timed tests stymie her, and she feels like she “can’t” do it.
I tell her: Practice, Practice, Practice. This is what we need to do.
Last week, I made a fun chart for her to complete in 5 days. 4 x/day practice, and let’s see how you do after this.

Well, we are going to do this again next week, but you can see she had some perfect practices! I also look at attitude.
I needed to come up with a prize incentive, and I decided on a treasure box. I filled the treasure box with gifts. The gifts have a point value on them. This way, she can collect “tickets” and “purchase” a gift with her tickets. She learns math this way too! (there’s always a method to my madness).
These tickets were created:

You can see that the blank has to be filled in with WHAT she did well; this way she can see the specific thing she did well. As you can see, she received two tickets, and ONE was just for attitude. I value this above the work!

Here is the treasure box:

She earned 10 points, and that was enough to purchase some mechanical pencils!

She WANTS the other gifts, so guess what she did all night and today? She’s been practicing and practicing!!
She got her math facts page down from 10 minutes to …..wait for it……
FIVE MINUTES!!! She cut it in 1/2 in 2 days.
Let’s see how she does next week. She is having FUN with math now. Yah!!!