Help, we have a Gingerbread Thief!

This morning, I woke up and noticed….

The little girl was missing her legs and..

The Christmas tree lost it’s top.


Well, I figured we had a little visitor during the night but who??

I took out Cooper for a walk, and then, guess who called me?

Mommy! Mommy! Come now, it’s an emergency. (Tatum doesn’t have any problem feeling guilty and telling me the truth).

What is it love bug?

Mommy, I have to tell you something. (Now, she didn’t know I knew that there were parts missing. )

Mommy, I ate the legs of the little girl and the top of the tree; The good news is that I didn’t eat her head or the dog.

First thing I thought was, How did she just stop at those two little bites? She continued to beat herself up.

We had a long talk, but I told her how grateful I was that she told me. Also, that cavities love to grow in the middle of the night.

Case solved.