Good Morning! Now, we have a little issue here.

Who got a hold of the nog??? Hmm???? Coti The reindeer must have hijacked the paper cup and chewed the lid for that last tasty nib.

Well, the mystery shall never be resolved. So, we shall proceed with the first gift. The tradition is to open one gift before breakfast, and that had to be one she could use right away. She went to show Mama so we could take out Coti with the bike.

Let’s try out this bell and wake up the neighborhood as we walk Coti. Yes!

After this we worked up our appetite for reindeer pancakes. This was kind of stressful because A. They were to be coconut pancakes and quite healthy and I wondered if mom would like them. B. Could I make them round for the face? C. Would it all come together with the eyes, nose and mouth, antlers etc… and D. Would it stay hot so mom would not nuke them as she seems to always do when I do not make it burning hot. I overcame my anxieties and ……

my mom looked it me confused: Stephanie, these are delicious. The weight of the world left my shoulders. Hooray!

After the silliness….

Coffee and Jingle Bells (I’ve been practicing daily),

It was time for the TREE unveiling and stockings.

Tatum has the Three Bears and I’ve always had Hansel and Gretel. Notice Coti’s stocking is overflowing.

Now, the gifts. Shall we go for a trip to see what she got?
Tatum, now you can truly SEE every little detail.

And, I finally agreed she could get her ears pierced. I gave her a special pair of my earrings. They are real gold and small diamonds. They’ll go in her ears AFTER the piercing has occurred.

She got a mascot from GCU: GO LOPES!
Coti, are you having fun yet?

Ok, it’s your turn. That little bear will last the day.
Mama got some cozy slippers from Tot, and mom got me a nice check so I can buy something special.
Thank you, Mama!
A few more fun gifts for Tot. A cool logic game called Rush Hour and a nice little skating necklace. OH, and GIZMO! The neatest remote control car ever!
It was time for Doug to come and visit. We gave him a PVCP shirt and she got lots of fun gifts from him. One is a scooter!! The wheels even light up!
We headed to Kelly and James. Kelly gave her a fun advent tree. They had fun building it.
Dinner was delicious! James, Morgi and Nyla had it fixed up well.

The best part of the day was just being with family and celebrating his PRESENCE. He truly brings PEACE to this earth. Peace with God, Peace with ourselves, and Peace with others. May we remember this through the year.