Hands on Learning and a new LEGO obsession

A video game on paper? This thing is as close as you can get. These Brain Quest books have color, stickers, and incentives. You can’t beat it, and Tot just wants to do more.

There’s this cool map you travel from Level 1 to Level 6

This lead to a toy. You see, I’ve had this in my closet for a while waiting to give it to Tot. It’s kind of a big gift, but I think she earned it. She’s been overly helpful and doing things without asking. I figured it was time. Also, she has many of these little Lego guys.

But this, folks, is a CITY!! And with a ……..baby. She would go wild. And she did. I spent the day putting it together with her,  and I found I wish I had these when I was little. I get the obsession. Great; just what I need.

Now, I have to get more of these. What have I created!!???

She spent about three SOLID hours playing with these just today.

They are a great learning/ imagination tool, so I’m ALL FOR IT!