She is fun to surprise. And, being AAAAAALMOST double digits, it was appropriate to make a BIG deal of the Tot. We always need reasons to share the love, so why not!?
Tatum LOVES containers. All kinds. Boxes, bottles, cans…cups. IF we can get her to drink water, then yay! So Daddy had this in his mind. BUT FIRST. We need to sing to her. No, I mean the hamburger needs to belt out a tune. HUH?

Tot. Oh, Daddy…what is this?

Sing it, Daddy! Ok, we really have reached the bottom when we need a hamburger to serenade us.

Oh sheesh.
Now to the big moment. The unveiling. Hopefully it’s not a singing hot dog.

Oh, water will taste so delightful in this bright and shiny thing.
Mommy’s turn.

ALL TRUE, beautiful.
Mama even celebrated with a puzzle for Tatum. She loves to hang with her Grandmama.

May you continue to walk in HIS ways. But continue to be your crazy, goofy, adorable self. WE LOVE YOU!