Our “12” days of Christmas tradition started in 2017:

This tradition started when I thought of 12 ways we could serve others in the next 12 days (until the end of the year).
This year, again, we abridged it to 7 days.
Day 1: Dec 26: Make a card for someone who is feeling sick or blue (or had surgery!).
Day 2: Deliver a treat to someone who lives in the neighborhood
Day 3: Donate to St. Vincent’s
Day 4: Cookies to Police or Fire (after school one day)
Day 5: Dec: 30: FMSC Volunteer SERVE
Day 6: Donate to FL or FOF
Day 7: Pick something to do!
Look for opportunities to serve at SBC (Austin included)
So here we GO!!!!
Day 1. Started with Tatum eating a piece of the gingerbread house. She figures this is giving…saving trash. HA!

Later on at Hay Happens, we made some cards for others. Tatum made her Thank You Notes.

My honey snuck a note to his HHH….AH Shux.

Stay tuned for Day 2