More rock?

Back to her old self today, Tatum was adorable as ever.


Her little ruffle butt wanted to climb and get taller. This is her goal in life! She hangs off anything to stretch her body, lengthening it as much as possible.

IMG_5960Today, raining cats and dogs, we had to head to Kelly’s house for tutoring. This means that Tatum has to be occupied with some kind of fun. The trains did not interest her as much as playing itty bitty  dollhouse. This dollhouse furniture had the opposite effect in that she wanted to be smaller and sit in the itty bitty chairs.



She served Mr. Bunny and shared the tea with no hesitation.

What I am enjoying about Tatum is her zest for life. Everything excites her, and her energy to learn and grow (literally and figuratively) is infectious. It is not possible to be sad around her because she just makes you laugh.

As usual, not wanting to go to bed, she says, “Run two times?” This means we have to run around the top floor of the house twice around, and then it is bed time. The last lap becomes a sightseeing tour. We stop at ever destination to discover fuzz, something on a table that needs to be straightened, a mini ladder that needs to be climbed, a doggie toy in the way. I outsmart her, and have her turn out the lights. This becomes an on-off clicking game. Her creativity to keep herself up will only become more brilliant, I am sure. I’m on to her as she says, “more rock, mommy?” but, yikes…how do I say no to that?!