3.3 means 3rd grade, 3rd month. This is where she is right now in Februrary of 1st grade. The next highest AR reader in the class, Sebastian, is a 3.2. The rest are in the 2’s or mostly 1’s still. I love watching her embrace this new chapter, literally. We have been reading Magic Treehouse books, and they are so fun.
They are like non-fiction with many historical facts, but they are magical as well. She reads about 3 chapters a day so then she can take an AR test after 3 days. I don’t want her to get burned out on reading; therefore, we do about this much at this point in her reading journey. I still like to read to her. Our latest fav is DogMan comics. So funny and ridiculous actually. But nice levity to balance the other readings. We need ALL genres to show her reading is not just READ>take test. READ>take test…and so on. It should be a joyful experience.

So, we make it fun. Chocolate can be involved with doesn’t hurt.

I’m so proud of how far you are coming in reading, honey. XXOO